So far through September and now October I have yet to actually open up Maya. You could say this is because of sleep deprecation, or because of heavy school work, but none of those things really effect me. I'm getting my sleep, and doing my school work. It would seem odd then that I haven't continued work on my latest model in over a month.
It all started when jlf posted a link to his next version of the SourceForts website. The second I saw it I almost threw up, it was so ugly that the Coke I had been drinking started oozing out of my nose... Well it really wasn't that bad, but I thought I could do better. So for the next two or three weeks I worked diligently on what is now the SourceForts website.
After completing my website project I moved on to my next task. Updating Valley for v1.9.0. This was a real pain in the ass, and I feel very sorry for Stinger who had to convert not one, but four maps to be compatible with v1.9.0. So I started off by doing all of the simple stuff, converting the old entities to new ones. That was all fine and dandy... until jlf alerted me that the spawn rooms would require two doors per side.
At this point I was about ready to shoot myself. If I hate one thing more than using 3dsMax, it is having to add new geometry to a 4 month old map. I cringed at the idea of having to use the
Brush Tool to actually make a
brush. However, I followed through with jlf's requests, and my map was soon ready for v1.9.0.
Next I moved on to the league. Colt had coded a fine piece of PHP, but his HTML / Web design skills were lacking. The second I saw it I almost threw up, it was so ugly that the Coke I had been drinking started oozing out of my nose. Well... sort of joking. I wasn't actually drinking Code at the time, but it sure was ugly. His tables were using the... dare I say it... default border styles. ACK!
After throwing-up for about an hour I realized that work needed to be done. I forged on through the ugliness that was "$maincontent .=". This line was used over and over again. Every HTML piece had to be proceeded by, "$maincontent .=". Not to mention that Colt didn't believe in formatting his HTML. After about 4 hours worth of work on the League it is now what you see today. And if you have a keen eye, you may have noticed that it has changed a bit since it was first introduced a few days ago. You have me to thank for that.
Of course before the league I had to write up that beast of a tutorial on converting your maps to v1.9.0 that no one seems to read. But it's all good because I'm sure at least one person out there will find it useful. Anyway, I have typed enough and now I must get my much needed