So here's the problem. I'm trying to set up a blend texture for my new map, I can get it to render correctly without bump maps, but as soon as I add the two normal's to the .VMT I get black rendered displacements. Anyone know the cause/solution? I believe I've seen blend textures with normal map's before, and no problems with them either... That's why I'm wanting help.
Also, here's the .vmt so please point out any issues I may have made here...
"$basetexture" "sf/sand1brown"
"$bumpmap" "sf/sand1_normal"
"$basetexture2" "fluffy/stone/stonewall02b"
"$bumpmap2" "fluffy/stone/stonewall02b_normal"
"%tooltexture" "fluffy/blendstonesand01tool"
"$surfaceprop" "Dirt"
"$surfaceprop2" "Concrete"
"%keywords" "blend, flufy, stone, wall, floor, ground, sand"