I got banned my first day there. Some guy was building a flag D on sf_city, where you had to jump in from the roof (1x2 for an exit). The admin, obviously an expert on sf with all his CSS/RPG surf experience, decided there was "no entrance" and ripped it apart. When I calmly put it back together and showed him how it worked, he called me a noob. I flashed my #1 rank with some sarcastic comment and he banned me, lol.
But that's not really why I say that that server is run by retards. My problem was a result of the fact that they let any piss-ant with some extra change admin on their servers.
The server is retarded because you take full damage from falls and you can barely move when crouched, which is totally annoying if you're any good at building.
Anyone have a guess as to why they would do the latter? ("Realism" is the excuse I head for the fall damage...)