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Old 11-28-2006
c0wb0ys7y13's Avatar
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Default who else bans players for "noobing up the server"?

haha, i make it very clear to everyone who plays on my surver while im around, that i do kick for noobing up my server (for the definition of noob, see the "Abusing n00bs" thread). who else does this?

i think its important, because some people just dont take the game seriously, and some people are just stupid. my server now is slowly getting smarter and smarter through natural selection.

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Old 11-28-2006
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hooray only the fittest survive probably 1% of all sf players !!!



Learn to play with noobs pls

(also this is a bit of an exaggeration(sp ?))
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Old 11-29-2006
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Originally Posted by NocturnO View Post
hooray only the fittest survive probably 1% of all sf players !!!



Learn to play with noobs pls

(also this is a bit of an exaggeration(sp ?))
I think you messed up "noob" and "newbie".
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Old 11-29-2006
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haha, yall can, im keepin my server n00b free.

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Old 11-29-2006
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Seeing as how I have admin in the PWNT server, I never long-term ban for stupidity. If a noob screws something up out of pure stupidity, I slay him/her. I then explain briefly why what they did was wrong.

"sniper towers are less important that front walls and flag d, they waste pieces"
"cuboids have low surface area, dont use them flat pieces cover more space"
"this server doesn't require entrances and exits"
"if you grief my wall one more god damn time i will smack you back to china town! >"

If they continue, I kick them. If they rejoin and continue once more, I ban them for the duration of the map (usually a 30min ban).

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Old 11-29-2006
gamerxr72's Avatar
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If I were admin on any server, I know I would short term ban some people (mabey 24 hours) because they are "Action Noobs". You know, the kind who noob it up with a vengence. They're the guy who watches you build and steals your scaffolding as you are using it. They're the guy who takes the ramp out of the base to put somewhere else for whatever reason. They're the guy who is standing exactly where you need to be freezing something or you always find him in the way so the pieces get knocked out of your grip. And these guys don't read a damned thing. You cant talk to the, you cannot reason with them. They're illeterate, and they stay that way
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Old 11-29-2006
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If this game is going to expand any further, its going to need more gamers. Kicking noobs isn't really helping anyone really. Have you tryed actually teaching them before kicking them, how to build?
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Old 11-29-2006
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its black and white with n00bz these days.

Some are like brand spankin new and dont know whats up. obviously you help them.

and in that same catagory are the people who know how to use R but not with any sort of strategery or prudence. You help them as well.

Then theres the mutha fuckas that build some 37 piece skyfort that you cant even shoot out of, and dont respond to ANY communication. Then when you slay/freeze them, they say "OMG WTF". Those people I have a short temper with.

I know, at least as far as the Suverin team, that we are all incredibly fair admins. However, we know when someone is just being a fucktard, and dont hesitate to take action against them to make the game fun again.
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Old 11-30-2006
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Instead of punishing noobs and newbies for their 'stupidity', learn them how to play.
my SourceForts prefabs. including flags, and re-use-able spawners, for both teams.
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Old 12-01-2006
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As A7 said. Help the newbies, but kick the n00bs. Hell, I haven't even played this game for a week, and yet I can build perfectly straight, double layered walls, crawls and have a fairly good understanding of the tactics of the game.

And Tommie, I agree. If someone is doing something wrong, take the time to show them why it is wrong and how to do it better. Also point them to the video tutorials on the SF site.

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