



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
Old 12-14-2007
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Default User Started Votes

I have a problem with my server, in the sourceforts folder under cfg/mani_admin_plugin I typed the following into the commandlist:

"extendtime" C ma_votercon "Extend time?" addtime 300
"togglephase" C ma_votercon "Toggle phase?" togglephase

In the commandlist text file it says:

// C = run a client command on your machine, anyone can use these
// An example would be: -
// "@menu" C admin
// "@vote" C say votemap
// "@kickmenu" C admin kick

I typed these in in my server and the votes were started as they should however if anyone else types this in it says that they are not alowed to use the commands as they are not admin.

I would like help on how to fix this, or other ways i could have user started votes like these.
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Old 12-14-2007
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well it only does the command after the C if you had admin
e.g. ma_kick requires admin
typing session or statsme doesn't.
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Old 12-14-2007
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The C means that the command will be executed at the client.
If the client is not an admin, ofcourse they wont bea ble to use ma_rcon,
so they wont beable to run those commands.

Maybe a plugin could help you out? Google is your friend.
my SourceForts prefabs. including flags, and re-use-able spawners, for both teams.
[14:24] Billeh.: I just caught my dad on porn.
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Old 12-15-2007
Posts: n/a

Thanks for your help. So my original idea is not going to work, i tried searching google for a plugin with no luck. I just need a way to let non-admins start rcon votes that i have set, any help would be great thanks.
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Old 12-16-2007
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iirc there was someone on this forum that made a plugin for voting for extends and whatnot. otherwise i recall there to be a sourcemod plugin in which you can specify your own votes that will be triggered by the public?
my SourceForts prefabs. including flags, and re-use-able spawners, for both teams.
[14:24] Billeh.: I just caught my dad on porn.
you are a nice person, love noca xx
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Old 12-19-2007
Posts: n/a

TommieV that sounds like exactly what i need, i will try and find it somehwere, if u find it tell me where it is plz, and thankyou.
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