since i got VDSL 50k with 10 Mbit Upstream i want to create an WAN SF Server.
I Did everything given in the tutorials:
- Downloades Source Dedicated Server
- put SF folder inside the Dedicated Servers folder
- ran the dedicated server, selected SF, made it an Internet server
- changed sv_lan to 0 (i got the msg about connected to steam servers, right after startup)
- changed ip to hihebl.dyndns.org because i cant put in my ip, its a dynamic one
- forwarded the UDP port 27015 to the machine where the server is running
here a copy ot the console text right after startup
Connection to Steam servers successful.
VAC secure mode is activated.
] sv_lan
"sv_lan" = "0"
- Server is a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses )
] ip
"ip" = "hihebl.dyndns.org" ( def. "localhost" )
- Overrides IP for multihomed hosts
this is a copy of the Dedicated server log:
[2009-07-25 11:18:51][0,0] : Log session started
[2009-07-25 11:18:51][0,0] : SetSteamID( [A:1:0:0] )
[2009-07-25 11:18:51][1,2] : Connect() starting connection (eNetQOSLevelLow,, UDP)
[2009-07-25 11:18:52][1,2] : ConnectionCompleted() (, UDP)
[2009-07-25 11:18:53][1,2] : RecvMsgClientLogOnResponse() : 'OK'
I see the server on Lan but noone from the outside is able to connect.
do you guys have any suggestions?