Originally Posted by [Zd]Rage
you do realize that this isnt gonna change a damn thing.
Oh god, this is the new fucking OpticalGaming fiasco. Server administrators thinking they are totally correct and treating the community like sheep. Surely, after the negative responce you've received from much of the community you would think to reconsider the system?
Originally Posted by [Zd]Rage
Ever heard of Game Monitor? HLX Stats? aka list? I'm agreeing because i think its a good idea to have a global aka list,
You can do this without publically showing IP addresses, and you can make a server plugin that uses the information. For example, the website takes the IP addresses and realivent player names from the logs and sorts player names by IP address. On the website, a person can search for a
player name and it shows a list of all other player names that player has used.
No IP's, totally legit.
i also think that admins should be able to have some kind of warning when a griefer enters their server. All this does is give information to the admins.
This can already be done with the global ban list, so why have two systems that perform the same task when one is already totally established?
It is up to them if they are going to abuse it.
You are the person creating the system, it's your responsibillity for how it could potentially be used. Taking a whole 'Oh it could happen but it's not my fault' attitude is ignorant and retarded, and in the long run will lead to you getting even more stick from the community.
so your real issue should be with people you dont think deserve to be admins (which isnt really your call either).
It's not the communitys call who gets to be admins, but the community does have power to change it. The community are the ones who play in the servers and give the feedback, and the feedback tends to sway how a server is run - except in some extreme cases leading to even more extreme events taking place
Its not anyones fault but your own if u get banned from multiple servers for being an ass.
Fair enough, if you're greifing, aimbotting or wallhacking. Having multiple alaises is no crime however.