For admins or for players?
For admins, try mani. Put this in your commandlist.txt inside cfg/mani_admin_plugin of your server:
// Addtime
"@add100" R addtime 100
"@add200" R addtime 200
"@add300" R addtime 300
"@add400" R addtime 400
"@add500" R addtime 500
"@add600" R addtime 600
"@add700" R addtime 700
"@add800" R addtime 800
"@add900" R addtime 900
"@add1000" R addtime 1000
"@add" R addtime
// Remove time
"@remove100" R addtime -100
"@remove200" R addtime -200
"@remove300" R addtime -300
"@remove400" R addtime -400
"@remove500" R addtime -500
"@remove600" R addtime -600
"@remove700" R addtime -700
"@remove800" R addtime -800
"@remove900" R addtime -900
"@remove1000" R addtime -1000
// Toggle Phase
"@toggle" R togglephase
// Maps
"@skywalk" R ma_map sf_skywalk
"@valley" R ma_map sf_valley
"@abandon" R ma_map sf_abandon
"@fieldtrip" R ma_map sf_fieldtrip
"@tread" R ma_map sf_tread
"@tallgrass" R ma_map sf_tallgrass
"@sphinx" R ma_map sf_sphinx
"@silence" R ma_map sf_silence_v2
"@tactical" R ma_map sf_tactical
// Blocklimits
"@blocklimit50" R sf_team_blocklimit 50
"@blocklimit75" R sf_team_blocklimit 75
"@blocklimit100" R sf_team_blocklimit 100
"@blocklimit150" R sf_team_blocklimit 150
"@blocklimit" R sf_team_blocklimit
"@add100" extends the current phase by 100 seconds
"@add200" extends the current phase by 200 seconds
"@add500" extends the current phase by 500 seconds
"@add1000" extends the current phase by 1000 seconds
"@remove100" shortens the current phase by 100 seconds
"@remove200" shortens the current phase by 200 seconds
"@remove500" shortens the current phase by 500 seconds
"@remove1000" shortens the current phase by 1000 seconds
Change to a different map:
"@blocklimit50" Sets the blocklimit to 50
"@blocklimit75" Sets the blocklimit to 75
"@blocklimit100" Sets the blocklimit to 100
"@blocklimit150" Sets the blocklimit to 150
my SourceForts prefabs. including flags, and re-use-able spawners, for both teams.
[14:24] Billeh.: I just caught my dad on porn.

you are a nice person, love noca xx