I know one; the name is: SourceForts v1.9.1 [BUILD]
Joking aside, noclipping and kicking players mostly isnt without a reason on most of the servers with mature admins. Noclipping often is being used for detecting griefers or to unjam your player model. Kicking players may be a result for griefing, immaturity, or making room for an admin who wants to join. Banning doesnt need an explanation.
If it was a DigiS server then your problem is probably already solved, because there's a new admin list with less admins and more control, and the admin abusers (may not be named, but I guess the most of the comunity knows it already) on our server on Friday already got "their" (more or less...) admin revoked and got banned by steam ID or IP from all DigiS servers.