After playing around with SourceMod a little bit, I wrote up a plugin that people might find useful.
What it does
This plugin makes it so that when someone gets shot or pushed off of a map, it comes up as a kill for the person responsible. It also makes it so suicides during the build round don't count towards your score.
This is not for EventScripts, this is for SourceMod. You can
download SourceMod here. If you don't know how to install it,
read this.
It also needs es_tools. You can run the plugin without this, but then the scores won't be adjusted. You'll still see the death message in the top right, but you won't get +1 kill.
Here is es_tools for SF. Just unzip it into the sourceforts folder on your server.
And finally,
here is the plugin. Just put it in the folder 'addons/sourcemod/plugins'. It should start up the next map. To start it manually, just rcon the command: sm plugins load falling_death
- Added a timer so the kills are more accurate. If someone falls off 3 seconds after getting hit, it doesn't count as a kill.
- Fixed a bug where suicides weren't stopped during the first build round. One of SourceMod's events doesn't work :-P
- Fixed a bug where the death event sometimes didn't come up.