Server Commands and CVARs
Server Commands and CVARs
Following is a list of the most commonly used SourceForts specific commands and CVARs available in 1.9.4. A more detailed list can be gained by typing "cvarlist sf" into the console in game.
Game Control Commands
togglephase - Toggles phase between build and combat.
addtime [n] - Adds [n] to the timer.
Game Control CVARs
sf_allowspectators [0/1] - Toggles whether players can spectate.
sf_team_blocklimit [n] - Sets blocklimit to [n].
sf_roundlimit [n] - Sets the number of rounds to [n].
sf_scorelimit [n] - Ends the match when either team gets [n] points.
sf_block_health [n] - Sets the health of the blocks to [n].
sf_charger_armor_increment [n] - Amount the armour charger increase armour by.
sf_charger_health_increment [n] - Amount the health charger increases health by.
sf_build_long_length [n] - Sets the length of the long build phase to [n].
sf_build_short_length [n]- Sets the length of the short build phase to [n].
sf_combat_length [n]- Sets the length of the combat phase to [n].
sf_forcebalance [0/1] - Stops players joining the team with the most players.
sf_forceteams [0/1/2] - Forces players to join a specific team. 0 is off, 1 is force blue and 2 is force red.
sf_player_limits_enabled- Enables a percentage limit on the amount of players playing a specific class.
sf_player_limits_engineer_percentage [n]- Sets the percentage of players allowed to play the engineer class.
sf_player_limits_rocketeer_percentage [n]- Sets the percentage of players allowed to play the rocketeer class.
sf_player_limits_scout_percentage [n]- Sets the percentage of players allowed to play the scout class.
sf_player_limits_sniper_percentage [n]- Sets the percentage of players allowed to play the sniper class.
sf_player_limits_soldier_percentage [n]- Sets the percentage of players allowed to play the soldier class.
Player Stats CVARs
sf_armor_builder [n] - Sets the armour amount of the engineer class.
sf_armor_heavysoldier [n]- Sets the armour amount of the soldier class.
sf_armor_rocketeer [n]- Sets the armour amount of the rocketeer class.
sf_armor_scout [n]- Sets the armour amount of the scout class.
sf_armor_sniper [n]- Sets the armour amount of the sniper class.
sf_health_builder [n] - Sets the health amount of the engineer class.
sf_health_heavysoldier [n] - Sets the health amount of the soldier class.
sf_health_rocketeer [n] - Sets the health amount of the rocketeer class.
sf_health_scout [n] - Sets the health amount of the scout class.
sf_health_sniper [n] - Sets the health amount of the sniper class.
sf_run_builder [n]- Sets the run speed of the engineer class.
sf_run_heavysoldier [n]- Sets the run speed of the soldier class.
sf_run_rocketeer [n]- Sets the run speed of the rocketeer class.
sf_run_scout [n]- Sets the run speed of the scout class.
sf_run_sniper [n]- Sets the run speed of the sniper class.
sf_sprint_builder [n]- Sets the sprint speed of the engineer class.
sf_sprint_heavysoldier [n] - Sets the sprint speed of the soldier class.
sf_sprint_rocketeer [n] - Sets the sprint speed of the rocketeer class.
sf_sprint_scout [n] - Sets the sprint speed of the scout class.
sf_sprint_sniper [n] - Sets the sprint speed of the sniper class.
sf_sprint_drain_builder [n]- Sets the speed at which sprint drains of the engineer class.
sf_sprint_drain_heavysoldier [n]- Sets the speed at which sprint drains of the soldier class.
sf_sprint_drain_rocketeer [n]- Sets the speed at which sprint drains of the rocketeer class.
sf_sprint_drain_scout [n]- Sets the speed at which sprint drains of the scout class.
sf_sprint_drain_sniper [n]- Sets the speed at which sprint drains of the sniper class.
Last edited by Sayyan; 12-29-2007 at 11:38 PM.