Originally Posted by zerocool
I hate banning, I prefer: torturing to near death with mani codes and then banning.
The thing is, when you try a alternative punishment in stead of banning, like slapping them around or gimping, they tend to start flaming you for admin abuse.
Then I say: Dude, normal people would have banned you by now, be happy.
But since they are teenagers who have waayy to many hormons in their bloodstreams so that gives them a false sense of "i have a ego", they really dont listen to you.
Or the fact their underdevoloped puber minds tells them to revolt to any order, including: parents, schoolteachers and in this case: Admins.
Ahh, the young and fragile mind of a teenager.. so vurnable to damage...
So in stead of banning them, enrage them into permanant pyschological damage which will cost his parents tons of money to get it undone my some overpaid shrink or a way to expensive clinic.
I have a step to torture then ban and here it is!:
ma_cexec "name" fps_max 1
ma_cexec "name" unbindall
ma_cexec "name" cl_updaterate 1
ma_cexec "name" rate 1
ma_cexec "name" name "Faggot"
ma_cexec "name" net_graph 0
ma_cexec "name" exit
They usually come back, i do the same thing but replace "exit" with my own command of:
ma_ban 0 "name"