Originally Posted by Disturber
Any chance you can add bans by IP? This would have to be reserved for special cases (i.e., documented intentional griefing involving multiple SteamIDs, but originating from a common IP). These would require a mandatory expiration (1-2 weeks) so if a legit player picks up the address via DHCP, he won't be subject to an unfair ban. This would purely act as a countermeasure against grief-a-thon's by people with mutiple stolen SteamIDs. You could also cross-check the IPs against the list that I 've been compiling.
I'm not sure, I'll need to ask devicenull. I have the database setup to accept IPs, but I'm not sure if the plugin will accept them (from what I've seen, its IDs only).
EDIT: I've looked into it a bit, and it doesn't seem like banning IPs is supported.