Originally Posted by SANTARII
he is, maybe its not him now but he is...
also i have about 20 of his ids on here (10 are deffinetely him) if u want them, not sure which are his though
Attachment 285
in case you haven't realized it yet OATZ was not the ONLY ONE who crashed ur shitty server. MANY people crashed ur server, NOT just oatz. DONT call oatz a faggot without ANY EVIDENCE at all that he is the only one who crashed ur server. oatz isnt a complete fag like you all are saying he is. he was a nice kid, but a bit of an immature, younger kid who was given the opportunity to crash the servers that he disliked in sourceforts. get your fucking facts straight before you falsly accuse him of doing anything. for all you know myg0t is back under the name of oatz.