You mention the word "Linux" and you better have a lot more details about your problem than that. (Where did you put the files? What "flavor" of Linux? How much access do you have to the box? Are you going for more than one server on the box?)
All I can guess is that you missed a step. If the file is supposed to be there, then you didn't unpack something right, or you had the source dedicated server update tool put it in the wrong directory or w/e.
That file is probably just a bash or perl script that launches srcds as a background process for someone who doesn't know how to do it themselves. Its not a real clean implementation anyways, since you gotta run it everytime the box restarts.
So if I had to give advice based on the info you present: Slash and burn, reinstall. I suspect that more than a simple text file is missing. Unless you just can't find the file, then... search?
That's all I got w/o details.
My "advice" would be to write your own bash startup/shutdown scripts and put them in your init.d script directory (or where ever your runlevel scripts are) with proper file links to it in the runlevel 3 subdirectory (init.d/rc3 or sumthin on RedHat to my memory), so your srcds process starts and stops with the box. Of course, you would have to have root or some sort of superuser with the appropriate access on the box to do it. PM me for details about this if you care.
Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy? I don't know and I don't care.