this guy was on the signal server and he was impersonating a dev and then started greifing so id thought id post the console messages for the whole game until i quit to post this
SourceForts v1.9.2
Map: sf_toxic
Players: 11 / 16
Build 2784
Server Number 6
SetConVar: No such cvar ( mani_nextmap set to sf_valley), skipping
SetConVar: No such cvar ( mani_tickrate set to 67), skipping
Begin loading faces (loads materials)
End loading faces (loads materials)
Initializing renderer...
File 'downloads/3a5f44db.dat' requested from server
arenaceous [SIO2] connected
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis connected
|W|ill connected
kevith AKA: kevith Welcome to the [SignaL] Sourceforts Server
|W|ill AKA: |W|ill [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis AKA: [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis arenaceous [SIO2] AKA: arenaceous [SIO2] Candyman77 AKA: Candyman77 Zealot768 connected
kevith suicided.
Zealot768 AKA: Zealot768 Candyman77 suicided.
XaReA16 suicided.
|W|ill suicided.
(TEAM) [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: lol
(TEAM) [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: stop
Zealot768 suicided.
Current map is sf_toxic
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis suicided.
XaReA16 suicided.
(TEAM) Candyman77: lol how do u freeze them?
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: r
(TEAM) Candyman77: ty
(TEAM) [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: np
I want to see FULL CLAN SUPPORT - Flare
Zealot768: whatev
Larksmann: the crenalations
Headstone connected
Headstone AKA: Headstone (TEAM) [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: we need to make it to where they can get flag but cant get out..,
(TEAM) [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: if you where smart
See someone greifing? Tell an admin!
(TEAM) [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: so we can make it in
(TEAM) [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: and they cant
(TEAM) [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: durr
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: SOTP
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: not here
Zealot768: WE
Zealot768: we dont have any flag protection
Headstone suicided.
Zealot768: ok..
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: noob
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: you mess it up
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: i mess youurs up
Next map is sf_valley
MOUSE3 is unbound.
Candyman77: wow
Headstone: what the fuck?
Headstone: stop it you macabre twat
(TEAM) XaReA16: wtf u guys are gay
arenaceous [SIO2]: is there something i missed because there has been SO many noobs recently?
Serif suicided.
unconnected suicided.
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: im not a noob
Zealot768 suicided.
(TEAM) [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: 1. you messed mine up
(TEAM) [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: i mess yours up
arenaceous [SIO2]: well you sure are
Zealot768 suicided.
Larksmann: 50
(TEAM) [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: GEAR
Zealot768 suicided.
(TEAM) [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: se emy name?
(TEAM) [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: gues you cant read/
Zealot768 suicided.
Candyman77: sure u did
Nunns3y: you guys got a griefer or what
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis suicided.
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: hhaahha
(TEAM) [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: look on the side
Zealot768 suicided.
] status
hostname: [SignaL] Sourceforts Server - Build Phase
version : 2784 secure
udp/ip :
map : sf_toxic at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
players : 8 (16 max)
# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state
# 67 "[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis" STEAM_0:0:6941128 10:34 108 0 active
# 49 "Larksmann" STEAM_0:1:6037999 1:02:50 49 0 active
# 68 "arenaceous [SIO2]" STEAM_0:1:6408105 10:09 316 0 active
# 53 "Candyman77" STEAM_0:0:2731410 41:35 73 0 active
# 54 "Nunns3y" STEAM_0:0:3545001 37:53 77 0 active
# 55 "Zealot768" STEAM_0:0:9233020 33:52 119 0 active
# 56 "Serif" STEAM_0:1:1968483 29:20 79 0 active
# 61 "XaReA16" STEAM_0:1:8813761 24:01 51 0 active
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: you will see curtis mcphail
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: nooob
<CC><Thewhitecross connected
Nunns3y: why is your wall dismantled?
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: SITE
Zealot768 suicided.
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: SAYS
Candyman77: lol
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: devlopers
<CC><Thewhitecross AKA: <CC><Thewhitecross [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: noob
Larksmann: 5
arenaceous [SIO2]: # 67 "[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis" STEAM_0:0:6941128 10:34 108 0 active
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: umm
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: im a mod devloper
Larksmann: Are you blue hostiles done bickering?
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: steam id doesnt mean anything
Type Motd in chat to see the message of the day
<CC><Thewhitecross killed Serif with smg1.
Candyman77 suicided.
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis suicided.
<CC><Thewhitecross: CRAPOLA!!
Serif killed XaReA16 with shotgun.
arenaceous [SIO2]: it does if your greifing
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis killed Nunns3y with smg1.
<CC><Thewhitecross suicided.
arenaceous [SIO2] killed Zealot768 with smg1.
Serif suicided.
Cactus Fantastico connected
Candyman77 killed Larksmann with smg1.
Cactus Fantastico AKA: Cactus Fantastico Nunns3y killed [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis with smg1.
Cactus Fantastico suicided.
Zealot768 killed arenaceous [SIO2] with shotgun.
Zealot768 killed Candyman77 with shotgun.
Larksmann killed [c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis with shotgun.
Zealot768 killed arenaceous [SIO2] with shotgun.
Nunns3y suicided.
Candyman77 killed Zealot768 with smg1.
Serif suicided.
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis suicided.
Zealot768: :P
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: you kids realy need to read more
[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis: lol
unconnected suicided.
Candyman77 killed Larksmann with smg1.
Serif killed arenaceous [SIO2] with smg1.
Larksmann: good one
Zealot768 killed Candyman77 with shotgun.
Candyman77 suicided.
arenaceous [SIO2]: well i doubt he is a dev
Nunns3y: yeah i gotr his id
arenaceous [SIO2] killed Zealot768 with smg1.
arenaceous [SIO2]: i did too
Candyman77 killed Nunns3y with smg1.
Candyman77 killed Serif with smg1.
arenaceous [SIO2]: hell ill post it now
Nunns3y: good call
Serif suicided.
arenaceous [SIO2]: cya later
heres his steam id
# 67 "[c17-Dev]LD.:G E A R-Curtis" STEAM_0:0:6941128 10:34 108 0 active
please ban this person from all servers
if this guys auctualy a dev then im very ashamed to be part of this mod but he is not listed under the dev page so i guess he is not a dev.