Is up and running! If I ever get around to finishing any of my maps, you'll see them there first.
Currently only me and my brother have admin, but as soon as I can figure out mani admin restrictions we should have some more admins, probably just the normal Zd admins. For those of you who find this unattractive due to dislike of certain admins, it hasn't happened yet. I also am not going to ever give perm bans, which I think is one of the Zd bunch's big mistakes.
Modded maps:
For my next mapping project I am going to be turning some of the old garage maps into spawner maps. You'll see them replace the old versions in a day or two as sf_mapname_spn or something like that. Currently the big problem I am having is that fieldtrip has massive decompilation protection. Does anyone know if the author is still around and willing to release a spawner version?
Concept maps:
There are two demonstration maps up currently, my placeable flag demo and a digital clock demo. I do not believe they are on the rotation, but if they come up I will switch it if I am around. If I am on I can switch over and show those of you who want to see them.
Rare maps:
I have sf_fishers_areas_b! I don't know if my server can handle the numbers needed for it to play well, but the map is a favorite of mine. If the Zd guys put it on OP I will take it off of mine (OP has much better resources than me).
Last edited by computeraddict; 07-13-2007 at 09:14 PM.
Reason: minor spelling error