



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
Old 03-31-2007
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Default Admin Abuse

Today I played on a server, built a fort, and started combat. After killing the guy like twice, he decides "NO ROKETEERS OR KICK": So he changes the percentage of rocketeers allowed to 0. As I still am rocketeer and do not change class I can play on. Well, then this guy kicks me "FOR USING ROCKETEER"

My question is: Is this really appropriate for admins to kick someone for killing them or using a class they dont happen to like, all I did was played the game, completely normally with one of the classes.
I don't think people like this should be given admin, but that is just my opinion....

"stume618 [FIN] connected
stume618 [FIN]: hi
[nk|gfa][PG]۩۞۩â€*ĞڨςКΘ: hi
[nk|gfa][PG]۩۞۩â€*ĞڨςКΘ suicided.
[nk|gfa][PG]۩۞۩â€*ĞڨςКΘ killed stume618 [FIN] with shotgun.
stume618 [FIN] suicided.
stume618 [FIN]: DAM
stume618 [FIN]: ohh the flags up there
stume618 [FIN] killed [nk|gfa][PG]۩۞۩â€*ĞڨςКΘ with rpg_missile.
stume618 [FIN] killed [nk|gfa][PG]۩۞۩â€*ĞڨςКΘ with rpg_missile.
[nk|gfa][PG]۩۞۩â€*ĞڨςКΘ: NO ROKETEERS
Bad connectionless packet ( CL 'W') from
[nk|gfa][PG]۩۞۩â€*ĞڨςКΘ killed stume618 [FIN] with shotgun.
stume618 [FIN] killed [nk|gfa][PG]۩۞۩â€*ĞڨςКΘ with rpg_missile.
[nk|gfa][PG]۩۞۩â€*ĞڨςКΘ: NO ROKETEERS OR KICK
[nk|gfa][PG]۩۞۩â€*ĞڨςКΘ killed stume618 [FIN] with shotgun.
stume618 [FIN]: come on calm down
stume618 [FIN]: im still rocket
stume618 [FIN] suicided.
[nk|gfa][PG]۩۞۩â€*ĞڨςКΘ killed stume618 [FIN] with shotgun.
stume618 [FIN]: im rocketeer until i change my class
stume618 [FIN]: ok ill just do
stume618 [FIN]: ill spawn as eng
stume618 [FIN] killed [nk|gfa][PG]۩۞۩â€*ĞڨςКΘ with rpg_missile.
[nk|gfa][PG]۩۞۩â€*ĞڨςКΘ: I KICK U
Bad connectionless packet ( CL 'W') from
stume618 [FIN]: ok
stume618 [FIN]: thats admin abuse
stume618 [FIN]: you will have to explain it
Disconnect: Kicked by Console.
Disconnect: Kicked by Console."
Old 03-31-2007
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stupid n00bs

i mean look at his name ( ''۩۞۩'' ) he might be some kind a low skiller so he needs a name like this.... otherwise u wont notice him
Old 03-31-2007
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Admins have the right to do everything they want on their server, since it IS their server. You have completely no say over it. Well, except for some servers that actually care about their players, like DiGiS. If you report admin abuse at us, we will take actions. I've never seen that server, and I frankly think they will care a tiny bit about you.
my SourceForts prefabs. including flags, and re-use-able spawners, for both teams.
[14:24] Billeh.: I just caught my dad on porn.
you are a nice person, love noca xx
Old 03-31-2007
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Originally Posted by TommieV View Post
Admins have the right to do everything they want on their server, since it IS their server. You have completely no say over it. Well, except for some servers that actually care about their players, like DiGiS. If you report admin abuse at us, we will take actions. I've never seen that server, and I frankly think they will care a tiny bit about you.
Tommie is right, their server their rules. I don't think you would find many people to disagree that he is an idiot though.
Old 03-31-2007
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if you don't like the admins don't play on their server. if no one plays on their server then its a waste of their money running it.
Originally Posted by mc_nebula View Post
Guys, Serious thread are serious business.
11:29 p.m. - ☢ AZgAg: did the fgd was moved?
Old 03-31-2007
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i know that guy he is 11 or 10 years
Old 03-31-2007
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Easy, dont play on their server, btw whos server was it?

Originally Posted by [bE] masta View Post
i know that guy he is 11 or 10 years
If not 4...
Old 03-31-2007
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I enjoy banning people that use the gravgun in build phase!
Eat crayons, poop rainbows!
Old 03-31-2007
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I second that motion
Old 03-31-2007
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hey i like locking stupid threads
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