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Old 12-19-2006
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Default [PWNT] and [SignaL] server bullsh**

alright. I've played this game religiously for the past 4 days and have gotten fairly good at it fairly quickly. I'm an average player IMO.

Alright here we go...

On Sunday, I visit the [SignaL] clan server.. probably my 3rd game I've ever played but I know what I'm doing to a certain degree because I've done my research, watched some videos, and spent a few hours building random shit in my own listen server.

I visit this server to witness the continuous slaying, slapping, kicking and banning of four players, myself not included. After 10 minutes of trying to play the game I leave. I was extremely disappointed to find that in asuch a small community server admins/owners are doing very little to attract any new players, in fact quite the opposite. They are ridiculing them.

Just this morning (last night), I played with two of my buddies, one who is very experienced and another who had played for one game. We're playing on the [PWNT] clan server and another [SignaL] player enters as well. The [PWNT] guy has already played a game with us, he knows we are no experts. So what do they do? At the end of each game, they restate how we were just "PWNT", they don't obey the rules at all as we are guests of THEIR server. There were no entrances to there base. They had a small entrance that the flag carrier would die in, the ball would drop down the ramp (too small to crawl through) and then someone else would pick it up at the other side.

Meanwhile throughout the game they are heckling us. WTF is that bullshit? On valley, the map previous to this one, he banned a guy who wasn't even that terrible because he was "interfering". Told him to come back when he knew how to play. Fuck that. Build somewhere else. Show him, or at least tell him to watch.

The [PWNT] and [SignaL] servers are the WORST for this. I would suggest that no new players to SF bother entering that server, but I think that it is ridiculous that these clans have no way of being punished, or disciplined. I took a few screenshots, if I can find a place to host them I'll put em up, but you know who the assholes are. Has anyone else shared my frustration.

Also, I've played in Overwatchers... my favourite server, awesome admins, always a good game. It's a shame every server couldn't be like that one.
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Old 12-20-2006
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HTH server rules!!!
Originally Posted by Vanderdecken View Post
Originally Posted by GCool View Post
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Old 12-20-2006
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Sadly every game has its bad servers.
The best thing you can do is to learn which these are, and avoid them like a possum with rabies.
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Old 12-20-2006
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Actaully the rules for the pwnt server, that there are no rules.
Originally Posted by Scatman. View Post
EDIT: Not Ev btw, he's shady.
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Old 12-20-2006
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Hm, you just made my dislike list ^^
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Old 12-20-2006
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Originally Posted by ForcedReality View Post
alright. I've played this game religiously for the past 4 days and have gotten fairly good at it fairly quickly. I'm an average player IMO.

Alright here we go...

On Sunday, I visit the [SignaL] clan server.. probably my 3rd game I've ever played but I know what I'm doing to a certain degree because I've done my research, watched some videos, and spent a few hours building random shit in my own listen server.

I visit this server to witness the continuous slaying, slapping, kicking and banning of four players, myself not included. After 10 minutes of trying to play the game I leave. I was extremely disappointed to find that in asuch a small community server admins/owners are doing very little to attract any new players, in fact quite the opposite. They are ridiculing them.

Just this morning (last night), I played with two of my buddies, one who is very experienced and another who had played for one game. We're playing on the [PWNT] clan server and another [SignaL] player enters as well. The [PWNT] guy has already played a game with us, he knows we are no experts. So what do they do? At the end of each game, they restate how we were just "PWNT", they don't obey the rules at all as we are guests of THEIR server. There were no entrances to there base. They had a small entrance that the flag carrier would die in, the ball would drop down the ramp (too small to crawl through) and then someone else would pick it up at the other side.

Meanwhile throughout the game they are heckling us. WTF is that bullshit? On valley, the map previous to this one, he banned a guy who wasn't even that terrible because he was "interfering". Told him to come back when he knew how to play. Fuck that. Build somewhere else. Show him, or at least tell him to watch.

The [PWNT] and [SignaL] servers are the WORST for this. I would suggest that no new players to SF bother entering that server, but I think that it is ridiculous that these clans have no way of being punished, or disciplined. I took a few screenshots, if I can find a place to host them I'll put em up, but you know who the assholes are. Has anyone else shared my frustration.

Also, I've played in Overwatchers... my favourite server, awesome admins, always a good game. It's a shame every server couldn't be like that one.
If you report to me who did that shit to you on signal server I will remove their admin rights. This makes me annoyed.

Slaying, slapping, kicking, and banning? Thats rediculous. Seriously, tell me who it was so I can remove them.
I went into CS:S and opened up a pretty highly populated server, with about 17 people and played for 15 min's racking up an ok KDR. Then, I blurted out:

"hey wow i typed "bind w "kill"" into console and the radar shows all the ts"

The next round, 3/4ths of the people on my team suddenly died. I was then banned for "hacking".
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Old 12-20-2006
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Flareyflare, in future cut down quotes
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Old 12-20-2006
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Originally Posted by ForcedReality View Post
Also, I've played in Overwatchers... my favourite server, awesome admins, always a good game. It's a shame every server couldn't be like that one.
Haha! Read em and weep bitches! Every server needs to be like us! haha!
SwiftSpear: in source earth gravity is sv_gravity 600
km_: thats a lie, in dragonball z goku trained in 1000 earths gravity, 600 aint right
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Old 12-20-2006
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Also, I've played in Overwatchers... my favourite server, awesome admins, always a good game. It's a shame every server couldn't be like that one.
That is fucking priceless.
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Old 12-20-2006
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Ahahahahaha, and KM says: Read em and weep.
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