Originally Posted by Sauce
my post was in response to DaCrusader's, just so you know.
Yea... but you still said php. php has nothing to do with this. The php that "powers" this site renders the xhtml/css for display. (ie, your browser doesn't know a lick of php, just the [x]html that is the result of running a php script remotely). This is an xhtml and css thing and he is right, phpbb2 AND vbulletin both totally rape the standard to get things done. The point is, if you follow the standards, you can feasibly swap out style sheets like themes for the xhtml content. And if you remove the CSS, it should look like a simple default colored web page. (Like the one linked to)
But you can't really do that anywhere, because people hire morons to make their web pages and because the standard is incomplete (imo at least). And don't get me started on browser implementation... f'n Microsuck.