Version 1.9.3. Announcement
Due to certain events and an understanding that has been reached between the SourceForts team and the community, development on v2.0.0 will be halted. Cry not however, in its place v1.9.3 will be paused. We had not planned on releasing a version after v1.9.2, but the game play dynamics have changed and some aspects of the game make for unfair and unfun game play experiences.
This new version will focus on game play balances. The main goal will be to make the game more challenging while still keeping it fun. At the moment many matches are prone to stalemating. The intention of SourceForts was to have an engaging capture the flag experience. This is not entirely possible at the moment because of unbalanced classes and impossible to break-into forts.
Rest assured these problems will be alleviated and we hope to give the community a game that everyone will enjoy. On a different note, FictiousWill, our talented modeler as well as KGtheway2B, our talented texture artist, have both decided to leave the team. They were two dedicated members of the team and will be missed.
Hey there.
Last edited by Louti; 05-04-2007 at 03:17 PM.