It's been a while since our last update, so I figured I ought to fill everyone in on what's happening. Yes, we're still slogging away on v1.9.4. It's an incredibly hectic time of the year for us, more so than ever. Nearly every key member of staff is in the midst of a period of important exams meaning that the Haven development taking place on the sidelines has drastically halted. It's not all bad news though, as we're happy to announce the return of the fabled coder, HisChild, to the team - and further more Zoc has whittled the list of v1.9.4 bugs (the length of which increased somewhat since any previous announcement as result of some hefty testing sessions) to the following:
- Obscure crash bug
- Spectator locking
- Spectator teamswitch-slam exploit
- Side-bar text spam
As usual we can't guarantee a release date, but we are doing our utmost to get you the final rendition of the 1.9.X series of SourceForts. Expect a status update next weekend.
Currently we have 3 open bugs, and 3 fixed bugs waiting for tests. Those are:
Open Bugs:
- Flag returning sound - Played at some incorrect times
- Spectator teamswitch exploit. Some weapon still are exploitable
- Spectator locking
Fixed and waiting for tests:
- Spectator teamswitch-slam exploit
- Obscure crash bug - detected and needing some tests
- Side-bar text spam
Don't worry folks, we're making sure heavy testing happens before we mark a bug as fixed. Unfortunately, this takes quite some time, but I'm sure we will get a release with all bugs fixed. Okay, I know, there are always a little bug lurking in a hidden corner, but well, we're doing our best!