The release went as well as we could have hoped. There were no game breaking bugs as far as we're aware and the bugs that were missed didn't effect gameplay too much.
We're going to put out a small patch containing fixes to the bugs that have currently been found; this will also provide us with some more insight into how we'll be managing releases in 2.0.
We're going to aim to really use the release early, release often methadology. For some unknown reason, SF releases always seem to be monolithic and so with 2.0 we'll be aiming to update every couple of weeks, prioritising bugs for each patch. We will of course have a much better system for updating built into the game as well as manual update options and likely SVN update for servers.
The CPU bug that causes servers to use a huge amount of CPU is being looked into and was before release; we don't really have any ideas on this and our current thinking is that it was caused by the engine change to EP1. We are still looking back through the early 1.9.4 changes that might of caused this.
Thanks for staying positive guys, and thanks for all the help locating bugs.
You can stay up to date with progress on in the IRC channel, the topic will note the bug count as we go.