Old School
Master Craftsman
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 876
SourceForts FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about SourceForts:
- I am having problems with my listen/dedicated server crashing regulaly; when will this problem be rectified?
This is one of the major concerns players have currently; and it tops the list of priorities. Unfortunatly, you will have to wait for v2.0.0 to be released for this to be fixed. We thank all server admins and players for their patience.
- When will v2.0.0 be released?
When we finish it.
- Will you realease a linux build of v1.4.2?
No. But we will have one for v2.0.0.
- Will there still be a buy mode in v2.0.0?
No. This has been replaced by a class-based system.
- Why don't you put the CS weapons in SF?
Because v2.0.0 will feature custom models.
- Do you want me to make an installer?
- Can I beta test SF?
No. SF beta testing is by invitation only.
- Why don't you put turrets or mounted machine guns in the game?
Because they are overpowered. Now please stop asking.
- I was playing in a pub server and some noob came along and unfroze all our stuff. Can you ban him?
Banning players is up to individual server administrators, not mod developers.
- Is there going to be an SF league?
Yes. Once v2.0.0 is released, jlf and entRo are going to setup a league.

#sourceforts - irc.GameSurge.net