V1.9.2 Skinchooser skin bundle.
This application simply copies files from the origin to the destination, it doesn't discriminate between files so if you end up copying your entire C: into a game directory that's your fault.
Run the unzipper file, (which you've already done) and then navigate to your C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods\sourceforts folder. Inside you should find a folder called "skin chooser" Open it up and try the .exe file. If it gives you a .dll error, take the .dll file included in this folder and put it into your windows\system folder. Now return to the skin chooser (move it or make a shortcut to desktop if you wish) and enjoy!
The skin chooser is already setup to be compatable with about 90% of most users. If you changed the installation directory when installing Steam or SourceForts you might run into trouble. Just reinstall the .exe file and ensure that it's going into the sourcemods folder. (default: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods but a possible one would be: C:\Program Files\valve\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods) Next when launching the skinchooser program be sure that the input and output destinations are correct;
output should be something like: ...\SourceMods\sourceforts\materials\models
and the input should by default be: ...\SourceMods\sourceforts\materials\models\skins
If all else fails you should stop by irc (irc.gamesurge.net/6667 #sourceforts) or the forums (
www.sourcefortsmod.com/boards) and ask for help.
Feel free to use this tool for other skins/mods etc. Be aware that for best results each folder that you fill that awaits to be copied must have 2 jpegs Resolution 500X300. As far as SF blockskins go the process is mostly modular. Just find the directory where all the other skins are located (see above: Input) and make a new folder, add your skins and your jpegs and you should be ready to go.
Skinchooser: glorfindel
KGtheway2B- All skins (unless stated below)
Montypython312-Technical Support, Commie, coke/pepsi support, ducttape face diffuse,
Overdose- 1.9.0 skins, Retro Diffuse textures
Lemon Poodin- Brick Logo, Commie Logo
Seth- Phong
TeamStevo- Stevo
Valve- Various texture bits here and there
knifa- SourceForts Logo
If I forgot you, just let me know: PM me!
Thanks all for the download, enjoy!