First off, I'd like to point out it was our intention to start recruiting new staff members on the release of 193. Following the recent news that the new version of the Source SDK is likely to hold us back some anyway, probably leading to a totally unnecessary second release, we're postponing the release of 193 until the new SDK is update and we've tested for compatability.
Before you all start screaming saying we haven't done anything, conspiracy, etc., here's a little official statement that you can sink your teeth into.
SourceForts version 193 is complete and in final testing
Not long ago, we announced the latest iteration of SourceForts, and now, we're looking for community members to take part. We're mostly in need of
level designers and
concept artists at the moment, to supply the first release a plethora of interesting and varied maps and start defining a style for the second release respectively.
We're also looking for at least one
assistant programmer to aid HisChild in his work. Judging on his work with version 193, you're going to have to be able to keep up!
For those unaware of how we're going about this, there are two main releases of SourceForts 2.0 planned. The first of which will be completely playable game play-wise, but will not contain any new visual elements. The second version is where we not only add our visual style and character models to the modification but also merge in all the (hopefully positive) feedback we get from the community after playing the first release, which, if we work ultra-super fast, should be nearing completion at the end of Q1 2008, Valve Standard Time.
We're going to keep the flood gates open for a while, so to speak, to get as many applications in as possible. Actual hiring will likely start in a few weeks, however level designers keep in mind that the mod is starting fresh, so maps will not actually be playable for a few months yet.
Please fill out one of the following forms and send them to We will read as many applications as humanly possible, and we're looking to take on at least
six level designers and at least
two concept artists. All staff will be required to be active on our staff IRC channel.
Level Designer
Name (real):
Forum User name (if registered):
MSN, AIM or other IM contact information:
Examples of work (required):
What do you think makes you qualified to work on the team (no more than 500 words)?
Notes: Level designing for the first version of version 2 will mostly be game play orientated. You don't need to be able to make a map that looks fantastic, but you do need to be able to design fantastic and intuitive layouts.
Concept artist
N.B. Concept artists, please don't attach hundreds of huge, uncompressed images to your e-mail.
Name (real):
Forum User name (if registered):
MSN, AIM or other IM contact information:
Examples of work or portfolio (required, please attach a few images in an archive or link to an image hosting website with your images on them):
What do you think makes you qualified to work on the team (no more than 500 words)?
Assistant Programmer
Name (real):
Forum User name (if registered):
MSN, AIM or other IM contact information:
Examples of work (required):
What do you think makes you qualified to work on the team (no more than 500 words)?
Your examples don't have to be specifically made for SourceForts, you can use anything you like, as long as you are responsible for the majority of it, and make clear any parts which you are not. For example, if you submit a map with some custom models which are not yours make sure to point out that you did not create the custom models. We will not look down on you for doing this, but we will look down on you if you take credit for parts you did not make!
Note for other people:
Although we're not actively looking for modellers at the moment, feel free to apply anyway. Our current understanding is that our team at present is capable of filling all modelling roles for the first release, and if you apply as a modeller for the team, there likely will not be much to do until we reach the second release phase. However, if you want to help mappers by making props or get your foot in the door early, feel free to apply.