another quick announcement.
We would like to welcome our new concept artist, GCool, to the SourceForts development team. He proved to be of great worth to the team prior to joining through
his modification of o_nobody_o's flechette concept, and will therefore be taking upon the duty of conceptualsing the remaining weapons for the phase 1 release, as well as any other 3D visual assets that are deemed a requirment as development progresses.
On a less positive note, HisChild has had to take an indefinite absence from the team due to matters of greater priority arising in his day to day life (the details of which will
not be disclosed). Zoc will be finishing up the absolute, final fixes for 194 before returning to work on Haven with Xyal (who should be back with us shortly).
That's all for now, but we'll be doing what we can to keep you up to date on progress.
Another edit to save a news post:
Construct mod have just registered their website,
www.constructmod.com - It's just a place holder for now, but keep an eye on it!