You heard me right! The league is finally done and open for business. It has been nearly two years since the first visions of a SourceForts league emerged, and they have finally been met. I know... I haven't exactly been urgent on my way toward a finished league, but
a lot has held me up.
Now for the technical details. Server admins who want to run a league match must download the
league server package. This uses
Mani Mod and
EventScripts so both of those must be installed on your server. Players participating in the league must download the
league client package. This contains the pre-match map.
When running a league match, server admins should use Mani's
ma_rcon command to execute the league configuration file. The command in its entirety is
ma_rcon exec league.cfg. After doing this they should change the map to
sf_league_pre_match. The rest is all automated.
Click the
League link at the top of the page to view the league webpage. Here you can register your clan, plan matches, and submit scores. The league uses a ladder system to allow for a more relaxed environment to schedule matches. Clans are ranked based on points earned by winning matches. If you have any problems private message me on the forums.