Due to a power cut, seascape.uk.net and sourcefortsmod.com were down from approximately 0800hrs GMT this morning to 1430hrs GMT this afternoon. Servers should have rebooted automatically, but a new piece of software installed recently caused the server currently hosting most services to freeze. Services have been moved to another server while this is resolved.
This, combined with the fact that I woke up and left the house immediately for a driving lesson (i.e. I didn't realise servers were down until 1300hrs GMT) brought the downtime to six and a half hours, about six hours and twenty minutes longer than it should have been

I haven't experienced a power cut in Central London for nearly three years now, but given that I've spent the last week bragging about how reliable it was, I think this is to be expected

. In case you're wondering, my UPS is on order.
Better luck next time.