It has come to our attention that an epidemic is occurring right under our own forts. Of course, I am speaking about griefing. Griefing is the act of deliberately sabotaging a friendly team's fort for the sole purpose of amusement. The SourceForts team recently conducted an undercover operation in order to assess and confront the growing griefer population.
In an never before seen operation, the SourceForts team is proud to present, "To Catch a Griefer". Using the latest internet chat programs and technologies, we have been able to replicate the thoughts and commands of griefers worldwide. We present to you our first suspect. Under the alias "Griefer109" we approached a number of would-be griefers with the prospect of ruining servers.
One such griefer we approached was "andrew`laptop". He divulged to us a number of griefer secrets and tactics.
Originally Posted by The Confrontation
* andrew`laptop has joined #griefers
andrew`laptop: Yo dude whatup! I am ganna fuck yo serva up boi!
Griefer109: Hello, Andrew. This is Stieffers from the SourceForts Team's "To Catch a Griefer". Is it true that you were going to grief Billeh's "Steamfriends" server?
andrew`laptop: whaa... i dunno wha you're talking about bro...
Griefer109: Did you not say, "i am ganna fuck that server up with the most 1337 hacks i got dude!"
andrew`laptop: i dunno where you got that
Griefer109: Did you not later go on to say, "Billeh deserves to be killed for his crappy server that has a 1000 blocklimit"
Griefer109: Is the previous statement not a death threat under California law?
andrew'`laptop: please man, i was just trying to have some fun
It is clear from the above chat log that andrew`laptop was indeed... just "trying to have some fun". However, where can the line be draw between fun, and destruction? An entire server was under threat and nothing could be done. Join us next week for our three part series on "To Catch a Griefer" where we discuss the morality issues surrounding griefing.