Firstly, as covered in yesterdays news post, 1.9.4 release is more or less imminent, however we don't want to set a solid release date because something
always comes up. Big servers hosts will shortly be contacted with information on the server version followed by a general public release.
We're hoping 194 will be the last solid version of the 19x series. We know it was just meant to be a bug fix, but a lot has been changed behind the scenes. I'm sure you're going to appreciate the aesthetic updates to a few popular maps, the quelling of bugs from the previous version and a few touches here and there. That said, it still took us far longer than we anticipated and we can do nothing but apologise for the delays.
On another note, Ex-SF staff members FicWill, KGtheway2B and Louti accompanied by
Steam Podcast staff member Bob (and a number of others) have started up their own SourceForts inspired modification, Construct. They're on the lookout for new staff, at the moment concept artists in particular, so if you're up for it,
get in contact!
They don't seem to have their own full website yet, but when they do, we'll provide a link.
Snuffyedit: Little update on this update: Construct has already found a concept artist, so they are requesting no more applications be sent in.