Well I know this issue has been brought up many times about how the new players need to learn how to build normally without so many blocks and that most of the time uberfort games end in deadlocks or are just a deathmatch game and I know it might be too late to implement anything into 194, but uberforts pose a serious problem.
The reason something needs to be done is not because of the bad gameplay it brings, but because of the bad performance in uberforts games. Similar to TF2, where Valve budgeted for 24 player servers instead of the 32 player servers that popped up when the game came out. To solve this Valve put the 32 player servers in a custom tab, so that people who really wanted to play them could go to the custom servers tab and play them if they really desired to. Valve didn't want people having to experience the worse performance that came with 32 player servers since most client CPU time is spent doing per-player work (animation bone setup, etc), so the more players in the game, the worse the player's performance is going to be.
The same thing applies to uberforts as the more blocks that are spawned, the worse the performance of a single player is going to be. Some players who don't have the greatest computers would join a game of uberforts and wouldn't be able to move. They decide that the game is terrible since they would imagine that most games would be like this and their system can't handle the game. Now if you were to play on a 50 block server instead of a 250 block server the lag might still be a bit of a problem, but the game would at least be playable.
That's why I'm proposing you either hardcode a max block limit of 100 (only if you truly want to get rid of them completely), but that would deny the players with good computers who want to uberfort. Another idea could be that whenever a server goes over the 100 block limit mark the name of the game changed from Sourceforts to uberforts or implementing some kind of custom tab for uberforts servers. Either that or make it so that certain servers say SF dev approved and the uberforts servers don't say SF dev approved.
The reason I'm making this thread is because I suffer from the lagginess of uberforts