



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
Old 06-04-2009
Join Date: Aug 2007
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Default source forts idea

i think u guys shud make a mod for teamfortress2 cuz i rally like that game and i think it would be more poupular than it is now, cuz i playing pyro is really sweat and it would be cool if engineers could build turrets in sf, and right now rocketjumping is kind of hard so if it was like in tf2 it would be better and you guys shold think about doing 'meet the spy' like videso for source forts to promote it cuz right now there arnt many ppl playing the game if you know what i mean. plus woudnt it be coool to be spy and disguesie as enemy player and then backstab them lol. i no sf2 iznt comin out soon so ithink in the meantime u guise sud work on this instead cuz i mean really, there arent enugh fort mods out there for tf2 the fieldtrip map for teamfortress is fun but i mean you guise could really beter it and make it sweater. plus i tink that the style would work well with source forts cuz i mean hl life is nt very sweat when in comparison to tf2 there is a gud style to work with and use.
Old 06-04-2009
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Also SourceForts v2 is already in development so there's no way they'll switch to TF2 at this point.

proof sol said it
Old 06-04-2009
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Posts: 11

how do u know source forts version 2 is in development. i thought after ur guys psu supply faild that u culdnt get ur computr to wwork so like now u gus half to find nu develelopers plus the fact that u can mayb get mor help if u go to team fortress 2 because source forts dusnt have a big fans community so that it is dfifuclt to find game codeors so if u go to team fortress 2 then u culd find more dvelopers cuz theres more players to find that culd maybe help if u no what i mean? like rite now id really like to play forts on team fortress i mean it would only take like a bit of copy paste of the source game code to do i mean like it coundlt be that much work for u guise to do that rite, i mean u guse culd maybe get more fans players and then have a better community plus like you guys culd use the achievements and jarate and like the bowhunter items wouldnt that be sweat.
Old 06-04-2009
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No to 99% of this post.

All's fair in love and sourceforts.
Originally Posted by zerocool View Post
Music? I think something is wrong with my soundcard.
Everytime I start that youtube video I hear a lot of loud noise and yelling.
Originally Posted by Sauce
how the hell do you think that is sig-worthy? :S
Old 06-04-2009
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lol y not cuz u wont evn give agood answer to my question cuz you cant even think of a resaon not to, i mean if u guys cud teach me how to use the hl valve modder than i would do it myself but rite now i dont know how 2 do that so y wont u guys do it, cuz i think it would be really sweat. i mean like i played half life death match like a cuople of times before on my brothers account and i think that team fortress 2 is a lot sweater cuz theres much mroe guns and stuff like the sniper rifle i mean why is there a crossbow when u cuold have agun that is more acurate with a lazer on it like it dont make n e sense at all.
Old 06-04-2009
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Originally Posted by Kamikazee View Post
i mean why is there a crossbow when u cuold have agun that is more acurate with a lazer on it like it dont make n e sense at all.
Have you not played the latest update or even understand anything about game dynamics?


TF2 works because the classes are designed with the gameplay.
If you took TF2 classes and weapons into SF then they wouldn't work nearly as well.
HL2DM sucks because it's not designed or balanced or anything. It's just a base code for modders to work from, and was a slight bonus for thhe people who got hl2 when it came out.

As far as I know, neither TF2 nor Portal have been opened for modding yet, past easy stuff mapping and surface mods such as models, sounds and textures - i.e. it'd be impossible to port source forts gamemodes into it.

Lastly I know we're working on SF2 'cause I'm a dev. We may be crawling a bit, but nothing we can't recover from soon. I myself am learning a load of new stuff that means we'll be able to get a load of graphical stuff out of the way this summer. Wether we use it, or even release it to the general public, is not yet in the air, but we can use it to attract intrest.

Also, i'm dyslexic and somewhat drunk (I just finnishd my first year of uni so i've been drinking since 5pm and it's just gone 2:30am), yet it took me a loooong time to read your poorly presented posts, and only a few seconds for me to type this with passable spelling and grammar, so fuck off.

Much love-


Valve would like it? Make money? On a straight TF2 mod?
Hell no.
Needs a lot of work, and I mean a lot, to even stand a chance of that.

All's fair in love and sourceforts.
Originally Posted by zerocool View Post
Music? I think something is wrong with my soundcard.
Everytime I start that youtube video I hear a lot of loud noise and yelling.
Originally Posted by Sauce
how the hell do you think that is sig-worthy? :S

Last edited by GCool; 06-04-2009 at 02:42 AM.
Old 06-04-2009
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You know, guys, I think he's got a point.

We'll get right on that.
Old 06-04-2009
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o k sweat i m glad us ee it my way cuz i rally think it wuould make it better cuz like i dont evn think it wud take long 2 do it cuz team fortress2 is a lot lesser compliced and with the graphix upgrad that it would end up way beter and more funner to play with my freinds at schol cuz i showed them source forts and they all thought it was rally cool but i think if u guys did my idea then it would be even better and mayabe valve will liek pay u guys and u cud make money, i mean liek tha would be gud.
Old 06-04-2009
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wow dud theres no need to swear at me cuz im trying 2 be civil seriously like im only being helpful if u no what i mean like vavle cud make money off it cuz of counterstrike my brotherp lays that a lot and he sad that it is valves most popular game so how cud they not make mony? plus i mean if it got popular then more ppl would find out about team fortress 2 if they played source forts and they wud sell even more and make twice as much money.
Old 06-04-2009
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Originally Posted by Kamikazee View Post
wow dud theres no need to swear at me cuz im trying 2 be civil seriously like im only being helpful if u no what i mean like vavle cud make money off it cuz of counterstrike my brotherp lays that a lot and he sad that it is valves most popular game so how cud they not make mony? plus i mean if it got popular then more ppl would find out about team fortress 2 if they played source forts and they wud sell even more and make twice as much money.
I should have seen this before. You're a marketing genius.

I am sorry I swore though. I don't usually.

All's fair in love and sourceforts.
Originally Posted by zerocool View Post
Music? I think something is wrong with my soundcard.
Everytime I start that youtube video I hear a lot of loud noise and yelling.
Originally Posted by Sauce
how the hell do you think that is sig-worthy? :S
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