Originally Posted by Kamikazee
i mean why is there a crossbow when u cuold have agun that is more acurate with a lazer on it like it dont make n e sense at all.
Have you not played the latest update or even understand anything about game dynamics?
TF2 works because the classes are designed with the gameplay.
If you took TF2 classes and weapons into SF then they wouldn't work nearly as well.
HL2DM sucks because it's not designed or balanced or anything. It's just a base code for modders to work from, and was a slight bonus for thhe people who got hl2 when it came out.
As far as I know, neither TF2 nor Portal have been opened for modding yet, past easy stuff mapping and surface mods such as models, sounds and textures - i.e. it'd be impossible to port source forts gamemodes into it.
Lastly I know we're working on SF2 'cause I'm a dev. We may be crawling a bit, but nothing we can't recover from soon. I myself am learning a load of new stuff that means we'll be able to get a load of graphical stuff out of the way this summer. Wether we use it, or even release it to the general public, is not yet in the air, but we can use it to attract intrest.
Also, i'm dyslexic and somewhat drunk (I just finnishd my first year of uni so i've been drinking since 5pm and it's just gone 2:30am), yet it took me a loooong time to read your poorly presented posts, and only a few seconds for me to type this with passable spelling and grammar, so fuck off.
Much love-
Valve would like it? Make money? On a straight TF2 mod?
Hell no.
Needs a lot of work, and I mean a lot, to even stand a chance of that.