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Old 05-20-2009
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Default Nade spamming?

why has nade spamming been kept, but rocket spamming has been deemed illegitimate? it seems to me that A) i don't know when to capitalize my letters, and B) nade spamming is harder to do than rocket spamming. Now, nade spamming is far more dangerous (when in the point of view of a single player) since rocket spamming is most assuredly better at breaking down a base, but nade spamming is more effective in essentially spawn killing. The skill required for it should not be a factor, since the problem lies in the spamming, not the midfield kills of the grav nade. Unless I'm a sniper, then I should not be able to kill a player on the other team from my own base (let alone damage blocks, even if slightly, from my own base and kill at the same time).

However, when one brings up the skill factor, that just is more reasoning to disallow it. "Get good" is not a legitimate answer to solve this problem. One player who simply feels like grav nade spamming completely throws the game off balance, it effectively produces the means to destroy the entire game, causing rage quits like there is no tomorrow. Perhaps if this was CSS, "get good" could be a sufficient answer, but this game is basically dead. If you don't make it noob friendly, it could completely die.

Perhaps some falloff damage on the nades could ease this problem, and maybe actually restore some balance to the game. Now, I'm new around here, and from what I saw there is supposed to be a version 2, and from what I can tell, there's barely any news on it so I'm assuming it's not even close to being done. For the mean time, though, allow the noobs to rocket spam, or disallow nade spamming (I'm talking to server owners/admins here). Now obviously, one might reply that allowing the noobs to rocket spam will just make the game even worse, more spammy, and most assuredly, that is correct. However, you can't just take from the noob the only truly offensive weapon he has, then counter him with your unstoppable (for him) spawn barrage. If you don't want balance, fine, but at least restore fairness. Give the noob back his weapon, or take yours away.

If this made no sense, say "wtf?" I wrote this in 1 minute, probably makes no sense and contradicts itself everywhere! YES RUSHING!
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Old 05-20-2009
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Old 05-20-2009
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Originally Posted by nozick123 View Post
As it seems, The Devs didn't like fixing stuff in the 19x series as "We will fix it in 2.0", the reason nade spamming is more legit than Rocketspamming is that, nades are physics objects, while rockets are not, So what they're phys objects, well Phys objects can be: Grabbed, Deflected, or the Spammer could be horrible and miss/bad timing, this is prolly why server owners don't do anything about it, Sorry but if you wan't it gone you will have to wait for 2.0, or start some huge Anti-Nade movement...
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Old 05-20-2009
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The game is dead. Weapons, Classes and Maps designs are being reworked for 2.0.0. Reason being 2.0.0 has been restarted about three times.

Not going to comment on the actual issue, because this is more of a opinion based debate.
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Old 05-20-2009
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I was planning to fix up the 19x series a bit recently (and a damage falloff for all explosives was going to be implemented, might I add), but I realised that it was incredibly pointless.

SF1 is incredibly flawed, poorly designed and terribly coded. I'm not going to waste my time on it, so unfortunately anything you hate about SourceForts in it's current rendition is sticking. There's no point whining about certain things being overpowered because frankly, Nothing is going to get done about it.

Just wait for 2.0.0, even if it takes half a millennium.
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Old 05-20-2009
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Amfg a link!
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Old 05-20-2009
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i don't give a shit about unpaid work either
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Old 05-21-2009
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Why havn't the devs started "re-writing" peoples stupid comments?

inb4 this is re-written
|daft the cat.
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Old 05-21-2009
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Old 05-22-2009
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to get someone to stop grav nading. you kill them.

holy shit i fixed the problem
Originally Posted by Scatman View Post
You've completely missed the point of what I said, but I'll let you off because you're a notorious idiot.
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