moar 2.0 ideas
Kay well I'll just list a few things I came up with for 2.0
First off you should get points for block healing and block damage.
Now here's another suggestion:
It's called: The Overload Charge
This charge is gained by the team as a whole and it goes off 10 seconds after the charge is reached.
When a team is doing over 250 damage to a block in a second (that seems reasonable right??) the overload charge slowly goes up, when a team is doing over 400 damage to a block per second the overload charge goes up faster, and when a team is doing over 500 damage to a block per second the overload charge goes up the fastest. The numbers might not be good, but you get the idea.
When the overload charge is reached, all damage to any block is 3 times greater than it normally would be. The charge would last for 10 seconds.
That could be overpowered, so in addition to that there would be something like the ubercharge in tf2, except for blocks. This would build up when builders would heal blocks and this would also be a team charge. Except this wouldn't go off at the same time. Each builder would use mouse3 to activate this charge and after the first builder would let off his charge the others would have 15 seconds to use their charge. When the charge would go off, the builder would have 2 options: 1) He could heal the block at 4X healing rate than before or 2) He could make the block still susceptible to damage, but the block wouldn't fall under 5% health. This charge would last for 15 seconds.
Another suggestion is for different block characteristics. There would be the normal blocks and then there would be:
Offensive Block: This block has little health, but it reduces the damage done to the teammates in the area of the block and restocks them with ammo.
Support Block: This block has a decent amount of health, but it heals teammates slowly and also heals faster the more teammates are around the builder. Meaning if there are 5 teammates around the builder he can heal the block faster than if he was just there by himself.
Defensive Block: This block has an enormous amount of health, but doesn't do anything but block and it has a slow healing rate.
If you just spawned a block it would be a default block (like one now, but if you were to select "special block" then these block options would come up.
And for a gametype mode a good one would be a combination of CP and CTF where whenever a team controls all the control points the flag becomes available, but whenever one of the CP's is recaptured the flag is permanently stuck in the spot where the player had it until all the CP's are captured again. *you could make it so that both flags become available making it so that the gameplay is more interesting