I don't really know what the devs discussed about a class system but i thought you could make it a buying system where you have ~ 30 Points
then you have 2 weapon slots
1. Primary weapon (sniper, rockets, Mg) [ 8 - 12 P ]
2. Secondary Weapon [optional] (same as above, but not that good weapons) [ 6 - 10 P ]
a nades slot [optional] (smoke, explosive, stickie, tripmine ) [ 3 - 6 P]
a pistol slot [can be optional] ( a fast, weak pistol and a stronger slower one) [ 3 - 4 P ]
and at last 4 Skillslots (wich are all optional) for skills like
jump-height, jump-speed-bonus, damage, speed [ 5P => value * 1.5 ]
life, endurence, accuracy [ 5P => value * 2 ]
you can spend on up to 5 points on them