Well the title says it all, I've slowly developed some classes for 2.0 and I finally finished

. Each class has 3 unique weapons that try to promote a certain style of play for each class.
1) Scout
The scout is obviously the fastest class who has the best weapons and techniques to get over the enemy walls, get the enemy flag, and get back to their base as fast as possible.
Primary Weapon AirBlast Gun - The AirBlast gun allows the scout to push back advancing enemies, or push them away as the scout is pushing his way up the map. Not to mention each hit with the AirBlast gun damages the opposing player 20 damage. The scout can also use this gun to jump over walls. The scout is supposed to get "scout power" and "wall jump" for 2.0 (from what I heard). The wall jump alone or the AirBlast jump alone should only be able to propel the scout over a 2 x 3 horizontal wall, but together should put him over a 2 x 3 vertical wall. Every time the scout uses the wall jump or AirBlast jump he becomes slower and the damage done to him increases (meaning someone shoots him and instead of 10 damage done, its 15).
Secondary Weapon Last Stand Pistol - This pistol does little damage when the scout has over 20 health, but when the scout has less than 20 health he can pull out this pistol and deal heavy damage to the enemy.
Melee Weapon Some kind of fast swinging melee weapon that makes the scout lose less scout power.
The soldier isn't still going to be a heavy block damaging class, but he will be the one who should dominate the midfield. Still being the slowest class, he's easy to kill with just about any class if the soldier can't kill his enemy right away, but a skilled soldier should be plain deadly.
Primary Weapon Rapid Fire MG - This gun will have a clip of about 15 bullets that will rapidly shoot out and will have a tremendous amount of recoil if the soldier just sprays all his bullets at once, being able to hit someone in 7 out of his 15 bullets should kill just about any class. Even though this gun is lethal on people, it does little damage to blocks. This gun should have a 5 second reload leading the idiot who just sprayed with no thought to death.
Secondary Weapon Finisher Pistol - When the enemy has less than 30 health left it kills them with one shot, but it barely damages enemies with over 30 health.
Melee Weapon Attacker - This melee weapon deals much more damage in enemy territory than on friendly territory.
The class name basically says it all. The only class who can spawn blocks and freeze blocks instantly. All his weapons are meant to promote a defensive style of play.
Primary Weapon Vampire Shotgun - This weapon does little damage to both people and blocks, but it sucks health out of blocks and allows the player to use the secondary fire on a friendly block to heal a friendly block with the health that got sucked out of the enemy block.
Secondary Weapon Building Gravity Gun - In the first 3 minutes of the game the blocks spawn and freeze instantly (in friendly territory, blocks don't spawn in enemy territory), but as the game progresses the block spawn time takes longer the longer the game goes, but the freeze time remains the same. Basically set up exactly like the gravity gun that you have in the build phase with the exception you can spawn blocks in your hands and you can heal blocks with this grav gun.
Melee Weapon Defender - Does a decent amount of damage in friendly territory, but barely any in enemy territory.
Now things get interesting
4) Engineer
The engineer is an offensive version of the builder. He cannot spawn blocks into his hands, but he can freeze blocks (3 second freeze time). His main job is to damage and unfreeze/destroy enemy blocks.
Primary Weapon Offensive Gravity Gun - This gravity gun can freeze friendly blocks in 3 seconds, but cannot spawn blocks. The primary fire of the weapon acts like a tesla coil and damages enemies, but not by much. If the tesla coil is fired at a block it slowly starts to change color (like the block becomes a mix of blue and red) and the more engineers who are helping to do this the faster it transitions color. The first person makes it 50% faster, then everyone after that 25% faster. It takes 4 times longer than just unfreezing the block normally, but when the player attacking the block dies the block stays in a mixed color and can only be brought back to normal by a builder healing the block. This weapon obviously can also unfreeze enemy blocks (something the builder can't do) and secondary fire just picks up the blocks, but the engineer cannot launch the blocks farther away, only carry them farther away.
Secondary Weapon Block Destroyer - Simply a shotgun that heavily damages blocks, but does little damage to people.
Melee Weapon Block Damager - This melee weapon does a good amount of damage to blocks, but little damage to people.
5) Demolitions
The name of the class says it all. A somewhat slow class with explosive weapons.
Primary Weapon RPG - This RPG is sort of like the RPG thats in the game now with some exceptions. Lets say you missed your target (you were shooting into the air for some reason), with this weapon you can use secondary fire an in midair have an explosion that does 1/4 the damage a direct hit with the RPG would do and then this happens (
http://youtube.com/watch?v=a7ozG-YNLNg&feature=related, go to 2:46). After the original explosion 4 mini explosions come from the main explosion. Also, after this weapon is fired and reloaded it takes 10 seconds for the damage done by the weapon to return to normal. So lets say someone is rocket spamming, after the first blow of damage if they just keep shooting it keeps doing minimal damage meaning their rocket spam is doing nothing (I vaguely explained that, but you get the point). If you shoot 5 seconds after reload it does half the damage it normally would do, so its not like its always low until 10 seconds.
Secondary Weapon Explosive shotgun - This shotgun acts like a normal shotgun when it hits the ground or other players, but it acts like an explosive when it hits blocks, meaning it has splash damage and can hurt people around the block and the blocks around that block.
Melee Weapon Propeller - This melee weapon does very little damage, but propels the enemy straight up into the air, leaving them for an easy follow-up with the shotgun or RPG.
6) Assault
The Assault Class is also a class that is meant to hold the midfield and not really damage blocks.
Primary Weapon Grenade Launcher - The grenade launcher would be visually set-up like the white bar of the remote pipe launcher (the one that allows you to shoot your pipe bomb farther), except the quicker you would release the grenade the less damage it would do making grenade spam useless (not to mention this weapon wouldn't hurt blocks too much). Since the class is the Assault Class, this weapon would only do heavy damage when the player runs right into the front line and uses this weapon. To make this more than just a noob weapon there would also be a use for secondary fire. There would be a rapidly moving bar on the bottom of the screen and if the player could right click when the bar moved past the center mark the damage would double (the bar would move extremely fast) It would look like: |-----|----- and the player would have to right click when the bar would be on the center line to get the double damage.
Secondary Weapon Assault Pistol - A pistol set up like a desert eagle pistol that does little damage when far away, but deadly when up close with a slowish firing rate and not much ammo in a clip.
Melee Weapon Attacker - Does more damage in enemy territory than friendly territory.
The sabotager's job is basically to piss off the enemy as much as possible and aide his teammates in destroying enemy blocks.
Primary Weapon SMG - This would be a simple SMG like the scout has now, but every hit with the SMG adds health to the "Spider" of the Sabotager.
Secondary Weapon Healer Killer - This gun has 5 shots and thats it. The purpose of the gun is to kill enemy builders healing enemy blocks. It does no damage to anyone else. When the sabotager shoots an enemy block and an enemy builder is healing the block, then the healer instantly gets killed.
Sabotager's Special Weapon
The Spider - It's called the spider because of the way it would look like on the block (as a spider). The Sabotager only has 1 of these and it is not restockable. When the spider is put on an enemy block, the sabotager can not use his weapons, but when his teammates fire at the block the damage done to the block doubles and the block becomes transparent. The only way to get rid of the spider is to heal the block (enemy builders), meaning if sabotager's work together one can put the spider on the block, the other can take down the builder trying to heal the block.
8 ) Defender
The Defender cannot heal blocks, but it his job to protect them from damage and protect the enemies from taking them.
Primary Weapon Unpredictable Shotgun - The Defender cannot heal his own blocks normally, but he can heal them by just sucking damage out of enemy blocks. Using his secondary fire he would select a friendly block that he would be healing. After he selected the friendly block, he would shoot at an enemy block and no damage would be done to the enemy block, but instead would only be healing the block he selected. This shotgun kills people in one shot

. The catch is that the direction that the bullet could go would be unpredictable until half a second before the shot would be fired. When the player clicks to shoot it either would say up, down, right, left, or straight and then half a second later the shot would go off and only a player with lightning quick reactions would be able to hit an enemy and if he did it would be a one shot kill.
Secondary Weapon Engineer Killer - This weapon does no damage to enemies if used on them directly, but if an enemy engineer is unfreezing a friendly block, the defender simply has to shoot the block and the engineer dies instantly. This could lead to a lot of stalemates, so whenever this weapon is used it has to inflict damage onto the player and the player cannot use health packs or anything to regain the health they lost.
Melee Weapon Block Defender - This melee weapon does little damage, but if the player uses it within 2 units of a friendly block it deals a good amount of damage.
The sniper is the best long range class in the game and is better when taking enemies on from a distance than face to face. To make the sniper useful, the sniper is useful in taking down blocks
Primary Weapon Hitscan Sniper Rifle - I know there have been things saying that there won't be any hitscan weapons in 2.0, but hear me out on this one. There have been things such as damage fall-off used in some games, so why can't damage increase due to distance be done? As the player fires his sniper rifle, it picks up damage the farther it goes, making it useless at close range and deadly at long range. The sniper also does a decent amount of damage to blocks, but it is truly damaging to blocks when it hits "the target." Whenever the sniper would zoom in he would see "targets" on the block that would move positions after 1 second, and if the sniper would hit one of these targets then the damage done to the block would be a lot more than if he was just sniping the block (which is why it needs to be a hitscan sniper rifle and it makes things more interesting

Secondary Weapon Ranged Pistol - The farther the sniper is from the enemy when he uses the pistol, the more damage it does. This makes it so that snipers will retreat instead of taking enemies on head to head when they get ambushed and rewarding that.
Melee Weapon Defender - Does more damage in friendly territory than in enemy territory
I know its long but please read it