You gotta defeat the evil dragon, who will drop the key that unlocks the door to truth. After defeating the angel of death you will come upon the orb of all knowing, at this point you take the orb and combine it with your bastard sword and it will make the path of light sword. This you can use to locate the mountain of 1000 carcasses by waving it in the air and having the light point the way, once you have reached the mountain, you will find a small silver necklace inside the cave closest to the base, plant your sword into the golden mound and the necklace will be freed. Take the necklace and travel to the high ridge above the deadly lake, take out the necklace and hold it above the water, a light will begin to glow below the surface. Travel down the ridge and to the water, be sure to equip your sinker boots and magic scale of life (to allow underwater breath). At the bottom of the lake, behind one of the rocks covered with algae you will find the glowing object, pick it up and put it in your backpack, you will need it later.
Now that you have the necklace and the glowing object, you will need to make your way back to the castle and have the appraiser identify the object, he will identify it as a "rare gem" and offer you a price of 100,000 gp for it, DO NOT TAKE THIS OFFER. Instead, decline and then go back out of the shop, reenter and he will greet you with a better offer, he offers to throw in a treasure map to the fabled "fairy island treasure" accept the deal, you now have a map to the treasure. Follow the map (it's pretty self explanatory). Now, once you have located the treasure a fairy named "Lillith" will appear, she will being circling you and you may hear some funny incantations. AT THIS POINT EQUIP THE NECKLACE AND BOOK IT! DO NOT GET CAUGHT BY THE SPELL OR YOU ARE SCREWED. The necklace will allow you to temporarily be immune to the spells the fairy will fire at you as you run, do not attempt to fight or you will lose.
Once you have gotten off the island and back to mainland, take out the treasure chest and open it up, inside will be the golden compass, it will point towards the river, and you will notice as you get closer the river is glowing an eerie green now, this is good, it means it's toxic. Proceed to jump in and commit suicide, you have now completed your quest and are officially a douche bag, gratz, you suck HARDCORE.
Originally Posted by kaidus
Ain't no beatin the 14 year old kaidus.
Originally Posted by halfwhit
I bet there was plenty of beatin