Question about the score...
Hi guys!
This is my first time to play Sourceforts in long time, so i updated the game to the version 1.9.3. I like the new changes, but i have a question to the score system...
When you cap the flag more than 2 times, all yours points dispears, and you can't never win the game...
Is a new update that prevent a person to cap more than 2 times?
Is this a bug with the game, or is a problem with MY game? :S
I can't play with my friend a 1 VS 1 math because the round never finish, and i try cap in a server with more people but my point dispears too...
I can't find any information about that in this forum, that's why I post this mensage to resolve my question.
Sorry for my english, I'm spanish and I can't speak english very well.