Originally Posted by Sayyan
I'd love a dump thanks...
Email the two most recent to info@sourcefortsmod.com and explain the problem. If you could tell us which map it was on, and roughly whereabouts it would be great.
it happens on every map, even back in 1.9.3, and also with some of my friends, there is no dump from sourceforts :S i've run over them and the last ones are Fortress forever :S
what happens if that i turn to something on the screen, game crash.
i restart the game and come out the spawn, and i keep going with my back to the center of the map, no crash, as soon as i turn my back, crash.
it happens on all sorts of maps and with more then just me.
last time it happened was with the cuboids (1x1x2) when 3 were pushed in a trigger push and landed, the moment they landed my game crashed.
i'm running window mode but my friends aren't so i suppose that's notan issue.
also it doesnt happen to everyone on the server, only a few.
block limit was 150 but only 30 blocks were spawned on that last crash.
anything else i forgot to say?
EDIT: oh right, hardware: Radeon X1600