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Old 01-23-2009
Fort Warrior
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Default Cpu + motherboard help

Planning to get a new one

Either the Intel Core i7 920 (265€) or the AMD Phenom II X4 940 (210€)

I know the intel is stronger, but people say the motherboards for them are very expensive, but I know shit about motherboards, so help me out if you can.

Also, how big should one's PSU be for SLi/Crossfire ?
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Old 01-24-2009
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No point getting SLi unless you can afford 2 4870 X2 or a N295
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Old 01-24-2009
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Before you ask why he's banned. Simply, he requested to be. He personally found that he visited this site too much, for no reason. Lack of self control I guess, but there you go. Ask him if you want on his Steam. -Black™
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Old 01-24-2009
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Originally Posted by NocturnO View Post
Also, how big should one's PSU be for SLi/Crossfire ?
Originally Posted by mc_nebula View Post
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Old 01-24-2009
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i7 isn't worth it unless you're prepared to spend a lot of money. The cpu's are expensive, the motherboards are expensive, and the RAM is expensive
(I7 only supports DDR3). Not to mention the amount you'll invest in your graphics card in order to get the most out of the cpu.

TBH I would wait until the new intel chipsets are released. Can't remember what they're called, but they're the mid-range equivelant of the X58 chipset (what a socket I7 mobo has)

And even then I still wouldn't upgrade as my rig will be capable for well over a year from now but this may not be the case with yours. As for psu size, a good quality 750w will be as high as you need unless you're planning on OC'ing like crazy, running multiple HDD's, an extreme-series quad, and quad/tri sli/crossfire.

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Old 01-24-2009
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I have a phenom 920, over clocks well (I'm at 3.6, the 940 should do better). It is much faster than my old opty 165. The i7 is faster, but more expensive, the choice depends on how much money you want to spend. For the phenom, you can get a good mobo for 100usd and 8 gigs of ram for another hundred. For the i7, your looking at atleast 250usd for the mobo, and 150 for 6 gigs of ram.

With the phenom, your kind of buying into a dead platform, the am3 chips will work, but you wont get any of the am3 benefits, like ddr3. With the intel, their upcoming (not sure how far off they are, probably about a year?) 6 core processors will supposedly work in the current mobo's.

For mobo, I dont know anything about the intels, but for the amd's you want either 790fx or 790gx with sb750. The gx only comes with sb750, the fx can have sb600 or 750. 750 oc's better, better raid support, and lower power consumption.

My thoughts, i7 if you want max performance, amd if you want bang for buck.

For psu's, I have 650 watt corsair, with a 4870, 4 hdd's, and overclocking. No issues. I agree with billeh on sli.
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Old 01-24-2009
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Originally Posted by Monty View Post
I have a phenom 920, over clocks well (I'm at 3.6, the 940 should do better). It is much faster than my old opty 165. The i7 is faster, but more expensive, the choice depends on how much money you want to spend. For the phenom, you can get a good mobo for 100usd and 8 gigs of ram for another hundred. For the i7, your looking at atleast 250usd for the mobo, and 150 for 6 gigs of ram.

With the phenom, your kind of buying into a dead platform, the am3 chips will work, but you wont get any of the am3 benefits, like ddr3. With the intel, their upcoming (not sure how far off they are, probably about a year?) 6 core processors will supposedly work in the current mobo's.

For mobo, I dont know anything about the intels, but for the amd's you want either 790fx or 790gx with sb750. The gx only comes with sb750, the fx can have sb600 or 750. 750 oc's better, better raid support, and lower power consumption.

My thoughts, i7 if you want max performance, amd if you want bang for buck.

For psu's, I have 650 watt corsair, with a 4870, 4 hdd's, and overclocking. No issues. I agree with billeh on sli.
+ 1 Respect. That's actually helped me a lot.
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Old 01-24-2009
Fort Warrior
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Thanks for the info guys going for the phenom.
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