Originally Posted by murdajvc
"Ω: shh we hiding" "Ω: like when daddy comes home!"
also, open headset CAREFULLY (screws may be under the earpads) if you want to replace it anyway, dont be so carefull. when you open the left side watch for loose cables first, that may be the fail in thar. if not get a voltmeter: + on the plug which used to be in your computer and - on the moldings on the speaker (look you got the right settings) if it beeps there is a connection and maybe the membrane of the speaker is broken -> new headset. if not look for hard bend cables and stuff, in fact, everywhere where the wires could be ripped apart. if that doesnt help at all, open the inline volume control and check if somethings broken in there.
atleast thats how i tested 4 headsets and fixed them :P