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Old 11-22-2008
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Default Best Place To Learn C++?

Just wondering where the best place to learn C++ is, a specific book/site?
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Old 11-22-2008
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This is a good free book ->

I have no idea how much programming experience you have, but if you're only just starting in programming, trust me, C++ is NOT the place to start
Originally Posted by TTTP
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Old 11-22-2008
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If you've never programmed before, Visual Basic is what you want. It was designed for beginners.

C++ Is probably one of the most complicated languages, you'll pretty much need to know everything about programming to use it well.
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Old 11-22-2008
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Lies and slander. I learned C++ when I was 8. Although I had been learning BASIC for three years prior.

Still it's one of the best languages to learn to begin with, if you're the kind of person that learns by challenging yourself. If not and you're on Windows, C# is a fantastic place to start if C++ is your goal.

Learning a language isn't hard, it's the theory that's the part that takes years to matter. Learn your language of choice (if you want to get to C++ as quickly as possible, without learning with it, go with a C-like language, Wikipedia will have a list); then learn how object orientated programming works, learn some design patterns.

If you have all this down, learning basic C++ is a one night job, just makes sure you understand pointers thoroughly.

Then get something like the Source SDK, something big and mystical and get a C++ reference. Then just do something. Anything, start making changes, find out how the engine does particular things, if there's anything you don't get, look it up in the reference.

And compile lots, if you have VS set up for debugging Source, it's easy to just hit debug and it will keep you interested, seeing your changes so quickly.

As far as books go, I learned from tutorials back when I was 8 and now just use online references for anything I'm not sure about.

Most of the books I do own are more esoteric, How to Think Like a Programmer is an excellent one, as is the Pragmatic Programmer. But they're both more about how to program well and don't focus on any syntax.

As far as programming books go, I would know what to suggest for C++, but I recommend Head First C# to my C# students.
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Old 11-22-2008
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Also please, C++ is not one of the most complicated languages at all.

C++ is just the same as any other C-like language, it shouldn't take you any more or less time to learn it. As I say, just get your head around object orientated programming and you'll be flying along.
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Old 11-22-2008
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I agree, once you've got the theory down, its basically the case of learning a new syntax, which can range from an hour or two to an all nighter job, depending on the language. That's why if you ever apply for computer science at uni (like me) they're not interested if you say you know 10 languages. It's what you do with them that they care about, since picking up languages is not difficult.

If you want a C-like language that has a very simple syntax (and own a mac), learn Objective-C, since it's designed to be simple, and null pointers don't crash it. You can also mix C and Objective-C in the same file if you'd like as, like C++, it's a subset of C
Originally Posted by TTTP
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Old 11-23-2008
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Originally Posted by OCBpLayer View Post
If you've never programmed before, Visual Basic is what you want. It was designed for beginners.

C++ Is probably one of the most complicated languages, you'll pretty much need to know everything about programming to use it well.
Yuck, stay the hell away from VB. Start with QB or just straight BASIC if you can. Stay away from object orientation to start with, especially the OO/procedural bullshit that is VB. Speaking of which, C++ also falls under the category of "identity confused languages"...

Originally Posted by Sayyan View Post
Lies and slander. I learned C++ when I was 8. Although I had been learning BASIC for three years prior.

Still it's one of the best languages to learn to begin with, if you're the kind of person that learns by challenging yourself. If not and you're on Windows, C# is a fantastic place to start if C++ is your goal.

Learning a language isn't hard, it's the theory that's the part that takes years to matter. Learn your language of choice (if you want to get to C++ as quickly as possible, without learning with it, go with a C-like language, Wikipedia will have a list); then learn how object orientated programming works, learn some design patterns.

If you have all this down, learning basic C++ is a one night job, just makes sure you understand pointers thoroughly.

Then get something like the Source SDK, something big and mystical and get a C++ reference. Then just do something. Anything, start making changes, find out how the engine does particular things, if there's anything you don't get, look it up in the reference.

And compile lots, if you have VS set up for debugging Source, it's easy to just hit debug and it will keep you interested, seeing your changes so quickly.

As far as books go, I learned from tutorials back when I was 8 and now just use online references for anything I'm not sure about.

Most of the books I do own are more esoteric, How to Think Like a Programmer is an excellent one, as is the Pragmatic Programmer. But they're both more about how to program well and don't focus on any syntax.

As far as programming books go, I would know what to suggest for C++, but I recommend Head First C# to my C# students.

Originally Posted by Bucky! View Post
I agree, once you've got the theory down, its basically the case of learning a new syntax, which can range from an hour or two to an all nighter job, depending on the language. That's why if you ever apply for computer science at uni (like me) they're not interested if you say you know 10 languages. It's what you do with them that they care about, since picking up languages is not difficult.

If you want a C-like language that has a very simple syntax (and own a mac), learn Objective-C, since it's designed to be simple, and null pointers don't crash it. You can also mix C and Objective-C in the same file if you'd like as, like C++, it's a subset of C
Sage on the first bit, yuck on the second. Putting kid gloves on C is redundant. As far as null pointers crashing goes, I want my damn program to let me know when something goes wrong. The glaring segfault staring back at you is the best kick in the ass to let you know you're doing it wrong and you should go relearn some stuff or bring a baseball bat for the size of the bugs you're gonna go hunt.
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Old 11-23-2008
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Must agree with the above, missed the reference to Visual BASIC. It is a terrible terrible language (when I refer to BASIC in my post, I'm talking about BBC BASIC, not much point learning it these days).

There are so many fundamental failures in Visual BASIC it just isn't worth it. To be quite honest, C# is a lot easier to learn, a lot nicer to use and still has the visual GUI builder.

If you need any help while learning you're welcome to post here or PM me directly. Also, if you're not sure what to actually do to learn, I can give you many challenges that are designed to test you on the fundamentals of a specific part of the language.
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Old 11-23-2008
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I took a VB class at high shcool during one year
now I'd like to try C++, just need some time to really get into this
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Old 11-23-2008
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All good advice here, I don't have much to add. The only thing I'd reinforce is that it's not about the language, but rather about the ability to develop an algorithm. In that case, some algorithms books or tutorials may help out a bit.

Objective-C doesn't crash with null pointers? Oh man, that's like C for pussies. It takes all the fun out of C!
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