What the hell.
Just when I think things are going better someone has to pull another stupid administration stunt. I can appreciate that what entro did several months ago wasn't well looked upon in the community, I can appreciate that he brags a little more then he probably should, what I can't appreciate community ban leveled without any explanation.
Did someone just miss the boat here where when you lock a topic or ban a community member you take the small step of administrative, nay, human decency to inform them the reason for the action? Franky I also find it extremely inappropriate that I am having team leaders banned from the league channel without any league rules broken or league admins consulted. It's this kind of "we can do whatever the hell we want with no thought towards responsibility or community accountability" behavior that is the kind of stuff that continuously concerns me working with and around this team. If you have a good enough reason to ban someone then it's good enough to convey to them so they know what the hell they are doing wrong. There is no place here for a regime run at fascist whim, even members who cross the lines and deserve to be banned still should be treated with the basic respect to an explanation.
Source forts isn't the dev's private club here, I run online communities myself and I have never banned a member without giving them a warning and an ultimatum. I really don't think it's too much to expect a bit of administrative responsibility here. As a community you should level bans for reasons, not because you just dislike someone, what kind of precedent is that to set? Who next, stevo because he's annoying? HD because he can be moody? it's innately dangerous to be part of a community where the conditions for a bad can be as insignificant as a long standing grudge.