I've been playing quite a bit of SF lately, and I've been getting more and more pissed seeing newbies, and careless people building absolutely shite front wall defense, so I whipped up this specification for what I call a "WDP". Team leaders/Clan leaders, use this spec, or make your own spec when directing your team mates in construction of your base.
WDP(Wall Defense Platform) Specification 1.0
NOTE: This defense is to be used EXPLICITLY by rocketeer or soldier classes. Using other classes will most likely not give you the firepower required.
For a given perimeter:
1> Place a 2d 1x5 block of 1 to 3 parts extending from the ground at a 30~35 degree angle up and over the perimeter.
2> Place a 2d 2x3 platform extending from the top of the ramp, with the 3 length edge closest to you. This block should be very close to flush height-wise with the top of the ramp.
3> Place another 2d 2x3 guard block vertically, opposite the ramp side of the platform. This block will have the same orientation as the platform block, but it will be vertical. Note that it should not be directly atop the platform block, but to the far side of it just enough that it may fall down if unfrozen.
4> Now that your guard block is in position, let's make it more useful (you will be able to shoot over it) by dropping it bit by bit using quick 2 shots of your freeze toggle key. Looking at the block and hitting the key quickly in succession twice, will let the block fall by a few inches until we get it to fall about 1/3 of it's height. This will allow just enough room for a player to shoot over it, and duck down for cover.
The finished form should look like this:
Benefits of a WDP:
* Sniper/Rocket guard piece protects player from incoming fire.
* Very difficult to nade a player sitting on one of these, grenade has to land just right to not roll off.
* Minimal block usage, using any more blocks would just hinder player view of the perimeter.
* Excellent "counter-cover"(being able to fire back into one's own base) means enhanced flag defense.
* High ground for players defending front wall.
* Full defense of front wall perimeter with 1 dedicated player per WDP(or however many your perimeter requires) playing as some combination of rocketeer/soldier.
* Easily pick engineers off as they attempt to hack through your front wall.
NOTE: When building a WDP, take into consideration the space required for it. Don't build directly on the territoy dividing wall, give some space for the 2d 2x3 block.
NOTE: Ideally, a WDP will handle about 50 feet of the perimeter, provided there are no blind spots from it. sf_tallgrass for example would only require 2 WDP's.