Training Videos
Well, i got tired of noobs not knowing what to do in SF. And I know they dont like to read, so hopefully this will help a few of the ones that dont want to suck. Im making 2 how-to videos for sourceforts. 1 is building, and 1 is combat. I have recorded most of the clips needed, but im sure theres a few little things im missing, like trick jump entrances, and stuff.
I made the videos on valley, because i think its a good map, not the greatests, but a good demonstration map.
The building one includes:
-Planning where to put the wall
-Making the wall (conventional 2-block thick wall, and 2 types of road blocks)
-Making an entrance (crawl)
-Making a flag D (3 different ways: crawl, walk jumping thing, and jump+crawl)
-Making exits (ramps)
-Making snipers nests
-Making defense for weak spots
The combat includes:
-Stats of all 5 classes
-Instruction of why not to use sniper class
-Slam climbing
-Rocket jumping
-Destroying blocks
-Defreezing/Freezing Blocks
-Grenade shooting as engineer
Is there anything else you guys can think of?
Originally Posted by BlueBlahBlee
or maybe i have no room for logic because i have belief