Originally Posted by master_czar
I don't wish to be difficult. But I notice the same words always coming from you "lagging" and "i have been busy with (bullshit goes here)" Sorry Sauce but somebody had to empty the bottle and clean it.
I didn't say anything about being busy.
Besides, would you prefer for me to constantly change my argument? That would certainly make it easier for you to take a shot at me.

What's wrong with being fucking truthful like I have every time I bring those two points up? You can see my ping in the score window, and you know how much trouble grade 12 can be.
And how is saying "when lagging" in relation to
"Yeah I made a really uber-pro exploit but I did it by accident coz i was lagging so im not really cool at all" a problem?
Admit it czar you are just a little kid and u like to cause trouble.