To tell the truth, the SF community is severely f*cked up. As some of you might have seen, in the thread about the linux server fix, I revealed some facts about Az, that I think he might not have wanted public, or well he removed all the replies anyway. Thankfully I saved the thread, so I hope we can continue ot have a meaningful discussion.
The thread so far:
Anyway, back to topic
-Controlled servers=Controlled players? What the fuck man. You perma banned two people becuase you dislike them. You would have kept your servers as the only servers online, and had full control over all SF players. That is just wrong. When you say that, you sound like a crazy control freak. When you realized i figured out how to host servers, you immediately stopped ignoring me, and tried to get me to join you, so your "absolute power" wouldn't be ruined.
Already explained it to you yesterday with Ravil. And I knew it wasn't gonna be long before someone else finds out. a simple reading of the gameinfo.txt tells you how to fix linux dedi.
I wasn't referring to that you already explained it, I am talking about the mentality. I will actually mention that one respected member of the community actually compared your idea "controlled servers=controlled players" to that of a nazi (not my own words, but I do agree with them).
-You were even pissed off about me releasing an installer, because it would make it easier for "oldfags" to join, or whatever the fuck you said. I thought you wanted SF to grow. Do you really think that keeping the solution for running SF as a manual process would encourage players to join? I don't think so, truthfully I think you are just against me releasing an installer because it would give credit to someone other than yourself.
I don't care about who did what, who found what etc... you made a fix for SF? great for you (btw, did any dev agreed to let you release this?).
I've been working too hard with Ravil to make SF a better place for new players and everyone else. I will be honnest, I failed on some stuff (NPL anyone?). I never asked anything in return (and I don't think Ravil did too).
Once again you seem to be purposely misunderstanding what I am claiming. Yesterday you
openly told me that you dissaproved of my installer, because it would be easier for "oldfags", or people you dislike to join SF again. You called it a bad idea. I am surprised someone who is so eager to help SF dislikes the fact that i compiled an installer.
Also, if any devs feel the same way and woudl prefer that I remove the installer, please post here or PM me, I will completely remove it. The only people who i did give credit to are SF Devs and Tobel/Hekar, none to myself.