Reply to this thread with questions/comments/submissions relating to the contest itself please.
Discussion and comments about a particular map should be done in the map's Map Showcase forum thread.
Combine vs. Rebels
Gift card of your choice:
Tigerdirect, or
The Valve Store
Contest Rules
Reply Submissions must be dated before 7:00pm EST Monday March 31st
Do not edit your last submission post after this deadline or it will be disqualified
In the event that the 1.9.4 release interferes with the deadline, it may be pushed back a week or 2 so that the maps can be updated as necessary
The submission map must not have been released previously as complete (i.e. new maps, not modified nor updated versions)
You may update your map for any reason until the deadline
After the deadline, you may re-submit only to fix bugs such as those that would disqualify your map, please state what was fixed in a
new submission reply post
Enter as many times as you like
You may not submit a map on behalf of someone else or submit someone else's work
Maps determined to be a WIP will not be accepted as a submission
Custom content is allowed, but must be
bspzipped into a single bsp file (there may be some things can't be)
All maps must have a thread in the
Map Showcase forum for individual discussion and development
A submission reply shall include
- Name of the map
- Link to the map packed in a ZIP, RAR, or 7z with a sf_<mapname>_readme.txt file containing at least the same information in this post
- Link to corresponding map thread in the Map Showcase forum
- Username of the mapper (One person only as this will be the person receiving the prize)
- E-mail address of the mapper [/i]only in the readme.txt ![/i])
- Usernames of anyone that contributed or helped substantially and links to content releases if available
- (as needed)Special installation instructions
- (optional)A single screen shot that clearly identifies your map (perspective view would be better then an overhead plan view)
- A short description including whether it is an update and what bugs were fixed.
Saxywolf cannot win the prize
Rules may change as necessary
Map Requirements
Follow the guidelines of the theme
1.9.3 style Capture the Flag
No capturable areas
Symmetric game-play for both sides
Buildwall must not allow blocks to pass to the other side during the build phase
Maps must not allow climbing over, around, or under the build wall
Maps must not allow the enemy to enter the other teams spawn room
Spawn rooms must be full of func_nofreeze
Spawn room floors must be physically a noclip floor and have a func_disposer just below (an additional non-solid func_brush floor is suggested for visual)
Include all of these blocks:
- Flat 1x2
- Flat 2x3
- Flat 1x5
- 3D 1x2
Optional blocks:
Not protected against
vmex2 decompiling
Copy paste this for your sf_<mapname>_readme.txt and fill it out:
Originally Posted by sf_<mapname>_readme.txt
Download link:
SF Version: Tested on 1.9.3
Installation: put the .bsp in your .../sourceforts/maps/ folder
Map Showcase forum thread link:
Permissions: I give the official Sourceforts staff, or person appointed by, permission to update my map to make it compatible with new versions or fix game-play bugs. Anyone may use content from the map as long as they give credit where due. Any re-release of this map or a map that uses content must be packaged with a sf_mapname_readme.txt file giving the same permissions.
Open for 7 days (ending 8:00pm EST Monday April 7th)
Vote for your top pick and second pick by thread reply
The votes for the map with the lowest votes will get distributed to the second picks
Eliminate the map whose votes were redistributed. Then repeat vote redistribution until there is one map left
Each person gets only one vote reply and of course must be registered on the forum
Maps should be judged on theme use, game-play, visual appeal, attention to detail, and overall aesthetics
I encourage you to do a summary of what you think of all the maps as well as the one you vote for
You can change your votes up to the last minute. Reply Votes made or edited after the voting has ended will not be counted.
Upload Space
Maps 'n pics: (thanks dwag)
(You can use whatever you want. It does not have to be from the above list.)
Purpose- To improve the amount and quality of maps available
- To generate more league playable maps
- To make more examples for other mappers
I really don't want to miss a map submission or repost an old version when I compile the final list, so please PM me 1-2 days before the submission deadline to double check that I have it and have verified it as a valid submission.
I've got a dedicated server available if you want to test a map. Unfortunately I have trouble uploading large maps so I have to let it keep trying overnight. This isn't an actual requirement, but please keep your maps to < 15MB as most people don't want to wait that long when downloading from a server.
If you make an early submission that you want people to look at/test, create a thread in the Map Showcase forum for discussion. Do not use the final map filename. Append "_v1" or some such to the file name so that you can update it without interfering with old versions people have downloaded. You don't need to bother with a Reply Submission until you have a release candidate.
Becoming a league map or being used in a league is not a requirement.
Feel free to update your map all you want after the contest is over.
If you have any questions, need help with your map, or want me to to check your map for disqualifications you can reach me on steam:
For your convenience I decided to make a list of requirements for your re-submission
in one place so you can see what needs to be done and to show others so that they can avoid the same pitfalls. The last reply-submission
esque is linked.
Accepted sf_mshape by Commando- X Package the map with the sf_sourceforts_readme.txt
- X Information missing from sf_sourceforts_readme.txt
- Information missing in reply-submission (but it's all in the txt)
- X Found 2 missing textures: one on the blue ramp, and one adjacent to red spawn door. Up to you if you want to update it at this point.
Accepted sf_banan_2 by 02k- X Stretch the trigger_hurt to fill the spawn room
- X Stretch the trigger_multiple to fill the spawn room
- X Please make the spawn buttons bigger so they are easier to see and tell apart
- X Need an illusionary floor with a noclip as the physical part, and a disposer below
- Suggestion: Since this is a floating map, put a solid brush under the disposer under thespawn room
Accepted with suggestions sf_hilly_2 by scienci- *Minor skybox glitch near the bottom.
- *Make the columns func_brush so they don't split up the brush face of the bridge so much
- *Move the brush spawns off to the side a little. Generally the flag will be blocked off which will make access to the buttons difficult. Also, they currently tend to fall on or spawn in you.
- Use some of the models or decals included in the SDK to give it a nudge in the direction of the theme
*Can be done after the deadline during voting.
Please re-submit sf_concrete by Draken^
Maybe sf_tactical2 by Billeh_Bob- Capturable areas are not allowed, but does sf_tactical have them?
No sf_moon2 by Commando- Re-make of sf_moon
- Previously presented as complete
No sf_shoebox by The_R
No sf_blox by arenaceous
No sf_fisk by 02k- Released as complete before the contest started.