



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
Old 09-30-2005
Posts: n/a
Default omg lamers are getting anouying

well it has been a while sense iv ran into the problem in 1.4 seing most of the time i was admin at servers but now that i join public servers with no admin we get our forts thrashed, almost every server i join has someone come in and unfreeze all the stuff it is getting anouyinge i know this has been discused serveral times but we seriously need more admins.
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Old 09-30-2005
Posts: n/a
Default omg lamers are getting anouying

well it has been a while sense iv ran into the problem in 1.4 seing most of the time i was admin at servers but now that i join public servers with no admin we get our forts thrashed, almost every server i join has someone come in and unfreeze all the stuff it is getting anouyinge i know this has been discused serveral times but we seriously need more admins.
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Old 09-30-2005
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Location: San Antonio, TX
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griefers piss me off soo much :evil:

for this reason i really only play on thos =?= servers - only ones i've ever seen w/ admin
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Old 09-30-2005
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Location: San Antonio, TX
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griefers piss me off soo much :evil:

for this reason i really only play on thos =?= servers - only ones i've ever seen w/ admin
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Old 09-30-2005
Psycho Mainiac
Posts: n/a

Yeah, your best bet is to play on the -=?=- servers. Even if they don't have admins on, you can report "bad" players to their forums, and they'll get banned( eventually).

I've actually already reported two players, they banned one of them, but I did see one of them playing again a couple days ago, and he/she was acting fine, at least.

In any case, this seems like a problem that has no real solution, other than on a server-by-server basis. The whole premise of this Mod allows people to take things apart.
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Old 09-30-2005
Psycho Mainiac
Posts: n/a

Yeah, your best bet is to play on the -=?=- servers. Even if they don't have admins on, you can report "bad" players to their forums, and they'll get banned( eventually).

I've actually already reported two players, they banned one of them, but I did see one of them playing again a couple days ago, and he/she was acting fine, at least.

In any case, this seems like a problem that has no real solution, other than on a server-by-server basis. The whole premise of this Mod allows people to take things apart.
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Old 09-30-2005
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Location: UK
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Default problem

The bans dont always stay for some very annoying reason.. dont know why

is the list of people who should be banned

we are also in need of more admins, as the mod is getting more popular and we just dont have the staff (members)

also can i clear something up, should

rcon banid 0 STEAM_0:0:82347872344 kick(if in server)

be the command we use to ban people?

also, if we ban someone one 1 server does that effect the other server running from the same directory?

ALSO - can someone tell me/help me in configuring mani for allowing ban votes ? for some reason it sais that you have to be admin to start a vote but i have enabled voting even if admin isnt in server etc.... what am i missing?
__________________ -
It just seems important to make a solid well aligned fort instead of some art deco floating turd of a base.
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Old 09-30-2005
Experienced Builder
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: UK
Posts: 335
Send a message via MSN to iamacup
Default problem

The bans dont always stay for some very annoying reason.. dont know why

is the list of people who should be banned

we are also in need of more admins, as the mod is getting more popular and we just dont have the staff (members)

also can i clear something up, should

rcon banid 0 STEAM_0:0:82347872344 kick(if in server)

be the command we use to ban people?

also, if we ban someone one 1 server does that effect the other server running from the same directory?

ALSO - can someone tell me/help me in configuring mani for allowing ban votes ? for some reason it sais that you have to be admin to start a vote but i have enabled voting even if admin isnt in server etc.... what am i missing?
__________________ -
It just seems important to make a solid well aligned fort instead of some art deco floating turd of a base.
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Old 09-30-2005
Posts: n/a

I'm not an admin but I think to effectively ban someone you need to write their ip/steamid to your banlist. Isn't there a command you run after you ban someone... like writeip or something.

Anyway Source Forts is prone to abuse but at the same time that's what makes it cool. Llama asshats aren't tolerated in this community. You have to maintain a level of trust with your teammate who, in most cases, are total strangers. I'd say 90% of the time the teams I'm on work together great. Good communication, a healthy amount of arguing and in the end pulling together.

So far with 1.9 I've only seen one mass fort destruction right before the build phase ended. And I've only had a few teammate who destroyed things I was working on without even explaining why. I don't claim ownership over every block I freeze but if I expect people to say something if their going to tear down I wall I built. And I declare it if I'm going to rework a section of the base.

Lastly I think Source Forts works best in smaller games. 3v3 and 4v4 tend to work very well. It also, IMO, reduces the chances of a stalemate because killing one guy is killing 1/3 or 1/4 of the enemy team and its hard to maintain a constant defense or offense.
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Old 09-30-2005
Posts: n/a

I'm not an admin but I think to effectively ban someone you need to write their ip/steamid to your banlist. Isn't there a command you run after you ban someone... like writeip or something.

Anyway Source Forts is prone to abuse but at the same time that's what makes it cool. Llama asshats aren't tolerated in this community. You have to maintain a level of trust with your teammate who, in most cases, are total strangers. I'd say 90% of the time the teams I'm on work together great. Good communication, a healthy amount of arguing and in the end pulling together.

So far with 1.9 I've only seen one mass fort destruction right before the build phase ended. And I've only had a few teammate who destroyed things I was working on without even explaining why. I don't claim ownership over every block I freeze but if I expect people to say something if their going to tear down I wall I built. And I declare it if I'm going to rework a section of the base.

Lastly I think Source Forts works best in smaller games. 3v3 and 4v4 tend to work very well. It also, IMO, reduces the chances of a stalemate because killing one guy is killing 1/3 or 1/4 of the enemy team and its hard to maintain a constant defense or offense.
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